Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.4 21-Mar-2019 Auto-revisioning when PATCHing entity types with a "Create new revision" setting
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.4 18-Mar-2019 JSON:API now has a read-only mode that is turned on by default
8.x-1.x, 8.x-2.x / 8.x-1.24, 8.x-2.0-rc4 01-Mar-2019 Filtered collections now have additional access checks, which may change collection results.
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.1 12-Jan-2019 Allow creation of file entities from binary data
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.1 09-Jan-2019 JSON:API now supports fetching non-default entity revisions
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 12-Dec-2018 Creating or updating a relationship to a non-existant resource will now result in a 404 response
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0-rc2 20-Nov-2018 JSON:API filter paths now closely match JSON:API's output structure
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0-rc2 13-Nov-2018 JSON:API now requires the use of the `Accept` request header for anonymous response caching and certain 4xx responses
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 23-Oct-2018 Entity revision IDs are now prefixed by `drupal_internal__` to be future compatible with JSON APIs planned revision support
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 19-Sep-2018 All URLs are now objects with an `href` key, not strings.
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 31-Aug-2018 Entity reference field items which reference missing entities can now be normalized
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 22-Aug-2018 JSON API error objects now universally contain a `via` link
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 22-Aug-2018 JSON API responses now contain a `meta.omitted` object when resources have been removed from the response for access reasons
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 22-Aug-2018 JSON API error objects no longer contain an `id` key
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 22-Aug-2018 JSON API responses no longer contain errors under `meta.errors`; omissions now listed under `meta.omissions`
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 15-Aug-2018 JSON API now supports relationship data with >1 resource identifier for the same resource
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 10-Aug-2018 JSON API error responses now also have the top-level `jsonapi` member
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 18-Jul-2018 JSON API now omits the entity's `uuid` field, aliases any `type` field and prefixes the entity ID name to signal it's for tightly Drupal-coupled use cases only, all to comply with the spec
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 05-Jul-2018 The JSON API entrypoint (/jsonapi) now provides information about the current user: ``
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 05-Jul-2018 JSON API now provides only the label of inaccessible entities ('view' access denied) when 'view label' access is allowed
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 02-Jul-2018 JSON API's jsonapi.entity.to_jsonapi service moved to JSON API Extras
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 02-Jul-2018 PATCH/POST requests to JSON API routes without `Content-Type` request header now result in a "415: Unsupported Media Type" responses
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 02-Jul-2018 Using URL query parameters on JSON API routes disallowed by the JSON API spec now result in "400: Bad Request" responses
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 02-Jul-2018 JSON API no longer adds a custom "url" field to File entities
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 29-Jun-2018 JSON API now (de)normalizes Timestamp fields to/from ISO timestamps, not UNIX timestamps
8.x-2.x / 8.x-2.0 29-Jun-2018 JSON API config entity mutation support removed; now lives in JSON API Extras
8.x-1.x / 8.x-1.19 01-Jun-2018 Use "virtual" resource identifier object for non-empty entity reference fields not pointing to an entity (f.e. Term's "root")
8.x-1.x / 8.x-1.8 23-Feb-2018 JSON API normalizers are removed from the serialization service.
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