@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
8.7.x / 8.7.0 17-Sep-2018 Layout Builder section storage plugins can opt-in to providing local tasks
8.7.x / 8.7.0-alpha1 17-Sep-2018 The form element has a new property #label_for
8.7.x / 8.7.0 17-Sep-2018 Add hook_aggregator_*_info_alter() to alter Aggregator plugin definitions
8.4.x / 8.4.x 15-Sep-2018 Automated conversion of Simpletest tests to PHPUnit
8.7.x / 8.7.0 13-Sep-2018 Schema::fieldSetDefault and Schema::fieldSetNoDefault are deprecated
8.7.x / 8.7.0 12-Sep-2018 EntityOwnerTrait can be used as a default implementation of EntityOwnerInterface
8.7.x 12-Sep-2018 Allow invokable services as controllers
8.7.x / 8.7.0 11-Sep-2018 The workflow entity has additional access operations for states and transitions.
8.7.x / 8.7.0-alpha1 11-Sep-2018 Current user object is no longer available in $context array when writing logs
8.4.x / 8.4.x 09-Sep-2018 Deprecate assertNoPattern() in favor of responseNotMatches()
8.6.x / 8.6.0 05-Sep-2018 HAL and JSON normalizers now support map field and property types
8.6.x / 8.6.0 05-Sep-2018 Config installer now installs optional configuration with recursive dependencies
8.7.x / 8.7.0-alpha1 25-Aug-2018 EntityAdapter typed data class now has a getEntity method
8.7.x / 8.7.0 24-Aug-2018 New SynchronizableInterface available for all entity types
8.7.x 24-Aug-2018 Comment module no longer logs IP addresses for comments by default
8.6.x / 8.6.0 23-Aug-2018 Allow contrib/custom modules to grant field-level access to User fields
8.6.x / 8.6.0 20-Aug-2018 Temporary files are not migrated anymore
8.5.x / 8.5.0 15-Aug-2018 User module's user.private_tempstore and user.shared_tempstore services moved to core
8.6.x / 8.6.0 10-Aug-2018 StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation() will no longer set $this->stringTranslation
8.6.x / 8.6.0 10-Aug-2018 d6_entity_reference_translation and d7_entity_reference_translation depend on migrate_drupal
8.6.x / 8.6.0 08-Aug-2018 Using Prettier with Core JavaScript
8.6.x / 8.6.0 06-Aug-2018 Field module WebTestBase helper classes have been deprecated
8.0.x / 8.6.0 01-Aug-2018 Replace all calls to db_drop_table, which is deprecated.
8.6.x / 8.6.0 31-Jul-2018 menu_cache_clear_all() is deprecated
8.6.x / 8.6.0 30-Jul-2018 \Drupal\simpletest\InstallerTestBase deprecated in favor of \Drupal\FunctionalTests\Installer\InstallerTestBase
8.6.x / 8.6.0-beta1 27-Jul-2018 Implementors of ConfigMapperInterface::populateFromRouteMatch() should call their parent implementation last
8.6.x / 8.6.0 27-Jul-2018 Multilingual migrations now require the Migrate Drupal Multilingual module
8.6.x / 8.6.0 27-Jul-2018 Taxonomy terms are publishable
8.6.x / 8.6.0 26-Jul-2018 Fields and widgets have more control about affecting changes and pending revision translations
8.6.x / 8.6.0 26-Jul-2018 Added the ability to set Custom Block entities as non-reusable
8.6.x / 8.6.0 22-Jul-2018 File migrations can download by reusing existing files
8.6.x / 8.6.0 22-Jul-2018 Changes to Download and FileCopy process plugin
8.6.x / 8.6.0-alpha1 21-Jul-2018 New nightwatch commands for login and logout
8.6.x / 8.6.0 20-Jul-2018 Move schema fallback from ConfigEntity::toArray() to ConfigEntityType::getPropertiesToExport()
8.6.x / 8.6.0 20-Jul-2018 Update method names to be more meaningful in MigrateFieldInterface
8.6.x / 8.6.0 16-Jul-2018 SearchTestBase is deprecated in favor of BrowserTestBase
8.6.x / 8.6.0-alpha1 16-Jul-2018 New hook_entity_revision_create() and hook_ENTITY_TYPE_revision_create() hooks
8.6.x / 8.6.0 14-Jul-2018 UpdatePathTestBase tests have to be in the legacy group
8.5.x / 8.5.? 10-Jul-2018 \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\destination\EntityContentBase::updateEntity() return value deprecated
8.6.x / 8.6.0 10-Jul-2018 Drupal core tests can be run with contributed database drivers
8.6.x / 8.6.0-alpha1 06-Jul-2018 UI helper functions are moved from BrowserTestBase into the traits
8.6.x 05-Jul-2018 Simpletest validates its parent class
8.6.x / 8.6.x 04-Jul-2018 Changes to how HTML Elements are inserted via AJAX commands
8.6.x / 8.6.0 04-Jul-2018 JavascriptTestBase is deprecated in favor of WebDriverTestBase
8.6.x / 8.6.0 02-Jul-2018 \Drupal\file\Tests\FileFieldTestBase and FileManagedTestBase have been deprecated
8.6.x / 8.6.0 29-Jun-2018 MediaFunctionalTestCreateMediaTypeTrait replaced by MediaTypeCreationTrait
8.6.x / 8.6.0-alpha1 29-Jun-2018 Validation constraint added to check if an entity has a field
8.6.x / 8.6.0 28-Jun-2018 Added EntityDefinitionUpdateManager::getEntityTypes()
8.6.x / 8.6.0 28-Jun-2018 Context handler can now filter object-based plugin definitions
8.5.x / 8.5.0 25-Jun-2018 EntityDefinitionTestTrait and EntityWithUriCacheTagsTestBase have been deprecated


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