@drupal8changes is a bot that tweets published Drupal core change records.

Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
9.2.x / 9.2.0 27-May-2021 Mime encoding/decoding functions deprecated
7.x / 7.81 26-May-2021 Permissions-Policy header is added by default to disable a method of browser-based user tracking
10.0.x / 10.0.0 22-May-2021 PostgreSQL requires that the pg_trgm extension is installed and created
9.3.x / 9.3.0 17-May-2021 Accessing public properties in Statement* classes is deprecated
9.2.x / 9.2.0-beta1 14-May-2021 Permissions-Policy header is added by default to disable a method of browser-based user tracking
9.3.x / 9.3.0-alpha1 13-May-2021 $route_match parameter added to \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManagerInterface::getActiveTheme():
9.2.x / 9.2.0 12-May-2021 Highly critical service advisories are now displayed to administrators
9.3.x / 9.3.0-alpha1 11-May-2021 Node revision routes upcast the {node} and {node_revision} parameters
9.3.x / 9.3.0 10-May-2021 Connection::queryTemporary() is deprecated
9.2.x / 9.2.0 10-May-2021 Forward compatibility layer for Symfony's InputBag
9.2.x / 9.2.0 06-May-2021 The Callback process plugin now handles callbacks with multiple arguments
9.2.x / 9.2.x 05-May-2021 jQuery :tabbable selector deprecated
9.2.x / 9.2.0 04-May-2021 targetEntityType constant removed from Drupal\node\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\ViewMode source plugin
9.2.x / 9.2.0 03-May-2021 The 'throw_exception' option in the Database API is deprecated
9.2.x / 9.2.x 29-Apr-2021 Core libraries no longer using query UI position-min.js, now use drupal.jquery.position
9.2.x / 9.2.0-alpha1 28-Apr-2021 JavaScript element.closest() polyfill library added
9.1.x / 9.1.8 28-Apr-2021 Introduced WebAssert::elementTextEquals() method
9.2.x / 9.2.0 27-Apr-2021 update_set_schema() deprecated
9.2.x / 9.2.0 27-Apr-2021 Protection against multiple statements also covers Connection::prepareStatement()
9.2.x / 9.2.0-alpha1 26-Apr-2021 Added taxonomy term route context provider service
9.2.x / 9.2.0 24-Apr-2021 The service "search.index" is now backend_overridable
9.2.x / 9.2.0 24-Apr-2021 The service "cache_tags.invalidator.checksum" and the service "cache.backend.database" are now backend_overridable
9.2.x / 9.2.0 24-Apr-2021 Drupal\Core\Database\StatementEmpty is deprecated
9.2.x / 9.2.0 22-Apr-2021 Unsupported behat/mink-browserkit-driver replaced with friends-of-behat/mink-browserkit-driver
9.2.x / 9.2.0 22-Apr-2021 Module schema management functions from schema.inc are deprecated
9.2.x / 9.2.0 22-Apr-2021 Access checking must be explicitly specified on content entity queries
9.3.x / 9.3.0 20-Apr-2021 New starterkit theme generator
8.9.x / 8.9.15 20-Apr-2021 Off-canvas styles are now reset inclusively instead of exclusively
9.2.x / 9.2.0 16-Apr-2021 Views cache plugin Time constructor no longer require request argument
9.2.x / 9.2.0 13-Apr-2021 New FocusFirstCommand for assigning focus via an Ajax response without a jQuery dependency
9.2.x / 9.2.0 07-Apr-2021 New permission to view user email
7.x / 7.79 07-Apr-2021 Support for SameSite attribute on cookies
7.x / 7.79 07-Apr-2021 New PHP Warning emitted in PHP 8 when a database rollback is attempted with no active transaction in MySQL
7.x / 7.79 07-Apr-2021 UI text change: Images must be smaller than !max pixels
7.x / 7.79 07-Apr-2021 Removed updateCallback and errorCallback parameters from the progress bar.
7.x / 7.79 07-Apr-2021 Password reset confirmation form changes
7.x / 7.79 07-Apr-2021 Avoid field storage write when field content did not change
9.2.x / 9.2.0 06-Apr-2021 YAML configuration exports will now use multiline syntax
7.x / 7.74 05-Apr-2021 The user module's flood control provides better logging and hook_user_flood_control()
7.x / 7.76 05-Apr-2021 Drupal 7 enables SQLite's Write Ahead Log journal (WAL) by default
9.1.x / 9.1.5 06-Mar-2021 ContentEntity migration source has option to include revision ID as a source key
9.2.x / 9.2.0 05-Mar-2021 Remove jQuery dependency from the once feature
9.2.x / 9.2.0 05-Mar-2021 JavaScript Element.matches polyfill library added
9.2.x / 9.2.0 05-Mar-2021 Tabbable JavaScript library added to replace jQuery UI tabbable
9.2.x / 9.2.0 05-Mar-2021 JavaScript CSS.escape polyfill library added
10.0.x / 10.0.0 05-Mar-2021 Drupal core is dropping support for Internet Explorer 11 in Drupal 10
9.2.x / 9.2.0 02-Mar-2021 New ExceptionHandler class in the database API, Connection::handleQueryException is deprecated
9.2.x / 9.2.0 26-Feb-2021 The WorkspaceManager::$blacklist property has been renamed
9.2.x / 9.2.0 24-Feb-2021 PagerSelectExtender::getElement() allows consuming code to know the pager id used by a query
9.2.x / 9.2.0 24-Feb-2021 New event for sanitizing filenames


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