Introduced in branch/version Notice createdsort ascending Change
9.3.x / 9.3.0 15-Jul-2021 drupal_get_path() and drupal_get_filename() have been deprecated in favor of extension listing services
7.x / 7.50 06-Jul-2016 Performance improvements for drupal_get_filename(), which will now trigger a PHP warning when it can't find a file (unless the new $trigger_error parameter is set to FALSE)
8.1.x 25-Feb-2016 Added CKEditorPluginCssInterface: loading additional CSS in CKEditor iframe instances no longer requires hook_ckeditor_css_alter() to be implemented
8.1.x / 8.1.0-beta1 03-Feb-2016 Avoid drupal_get_path() when referring paths inside the same extension
8.0.x 26-Sep-2015 Table sort indicators are now rendered with CSS via twig
8.x / 8.0.0-beta4 11-Dec-2014 hook_library_alter() is removed in favour of hook_library_info_alter()
8.0.x 03-Sep-2014 drupal_classloader() removed
8.x 28-May-2014 arg() is deprecated and will be removed
8.x / 8.0 21-Apr-2014 drupal_get_profile() no longer falls back to 'standard'
8.x 17-Mar-2014 .module and .profile files are no longer required; ModuleHandler::getModuleList() now returns Extension objects
8.x / 8.0-ALPHA10 23-Feb-2014 hook_library_info() is replaced by *.libraries.yml file
8.x / 8.0 16-Jan-2014 The language system has been converted to OOP
8.x / 8.0-ALPHA3 17-Sep-2013 Remove CSS_SYSTEM aggregate file
8.x 27-Jul-2013 RenderWrapper class added to postpone rendering of variables until printed in the template
8.x / 8.x 12-May-2013 Image toolkits are plugins
8.x 30-Dec-2012 New stylesheets-override and stylesheets-remove theme .info.yml file properties
8.x 29-Dec-2012 Modules can no longer add stylesheets/scripts via their .info.yml file
8.x 28-Nov-2012 Path alias management is now pluggable
8.x 21-Nov-2012 Toolbar module responsive layout update and API to add control structures
8.0.x / 8.0.0-alpha14 03-Nov-2012 theme_render_template changed to twig_render_template
8.x 30-Aug-2012 Generalize the use of library declaration for core JavaScript
8.x 23-Jan-2012 Path aliases now use 'langcode' for language codes instead of 'language'
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