YG Dentalcare | Bootstrap based Drupal 9 theme

1 people starred this project

YG Dental Care is modern


2 people starred this project

tarteaucitron.js is a Javascript library to conform to the European cookie law, this plugin make the installation very easy with the Prem

Konami Code

7 people starred this project

The Konami Code is a cheat code that appeared in many Konami video games. The Konami Code module makes it so that when users enter a given...


197 people starred this project

Bricks — is a new way of building pages on top of Entity Reference, Display Modes, Layout API, tabledrag.js and Flat...

Dynamic Entity Reference

151 people starred this project


Content Synchronizer

32 people starred this project


Structured Data (JSON+LD Rich Snippets)

19 people starred this project

Structured data markup provides a standard way of describing things on your website, along with their properties.

Select2 Field Widget

14 people starred this project

Select2 - The jQuery replacement for select boxes now available for Drupal fields.