Country, State and City Fields

11 people starred this project

INTRODUCTION ------------

CKEditor Upload Image

22 people starred this project

Integrates CKEditor's Upload Image plugin to Drupal.

Required Field Display

15 people starred this project

Simple Drupal module to display required fields on the manage fields screen.

Type Tray

52 people starred this project

This module helps sites with a large number of content types to improve the usability of the Content -> Add page.

Custom add another

22 people starred this project

This is a very simple module that allows you to customise the text of the 'Add another item' button on multi-valued fields.

Better Search Block

39 people starred this project

With just a couple clicks you can change your boring Drupal search box into a nice looking search box with icon animations.

Super Login

64 people starred this project

Improves the Drupal login page with the following features: