Operations: Drupal for Ops

12 people starred this project

Drupal Operations


10 people starred this project

Igbinary is a drop in replacement for the standard php serializer.


1 people starred this project

The google module is a placeholder for the suite of google integrations based on the Google Tag platform.

Permissions Policy

7 people starred this project

Configure a Permissions Policy header for your site to control a

Attach Inline

9 people starred this project

Inline JavaScript should be re-rewritten for Drupal 8 to define libraries and use drupalSettings to pas

Reporting API

5 people starred this project

Configure Reporting API endpoints for use by browser features such as

Feature Policy

4 people starred this project

Configure a Feature Policy header for your site.

Googalytics - Google Analytics

18 people starred this project

Googalytics provides flexible Google Analytics integration in Drupal 8 that is easily extensible by other modules.


78 people starred this project

The Content-Security-Policy header allows your Drupal

Sessionless BigPipe

99 people starred this project

Accelerates Page Cache misses using the BigPipe technique.


1 people starred this project

Experimental module for enhancing Drupal's HTTP/2 awareness

GAnalytics (gacsp)

10 people starred this project

GAnalytics provides flexible Google Analytics integration in Drupal 8 that is easily extensible by other modules.

Persistent Login

46 people starred this project
