This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

Drupal mention in Library Journal article on KM

I published an article in Library Journal on Knowledge Logging and News Feed aggregation that mentions Drupal a few times.

K-Logging: Supporting KM with Web Logs.

Node links on Home page

On my site I couldn't find an easy way to open any node listed on the front page. If the content was long enough, you got a "read more" link. If is was short, but there were comments, it wasn't so easy. So I hacked on the theme I was using, in this case Polder.theme. In the node() function where the title prints out, I added a little code before and after.


print check_output($node->title); 


Drupal Rocks

I was playing around with the Druplicon. Is there an area for contributed images?

Anyway, hope you like it. View it here

htmlArea successfully hacked into Drupal

htmlArea is a WYSIWYG editor to replace textareas. If you want to see it working, add a comment to this blog. You need to use MS IE 5.5 or above on Windows with JavaScript enabled, but that's a small price. (A future version will support Mozilla 1.3 on any platform.)

It was very simple to do. Details of what I did are explained in the blog entry.

Microsoft SQL server compatibility

Newer update: MSSQL is alive again

Update: with Drupal 4.4, MSSQL is not supported because we have no maintainer for this piece of the application. If you wish to update the database.mssql schema and get MSSQL working again, please send a note to the drupal-devel mail list.

The CVS version of Drupal has recently been enhanced such that Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) database joins MySQL and Postgres as a compatible database server.

Microsoft SQL Server is a very capable, reliable, and popular database platform. These recent Drupal enhancements welcome many more potential users - especially corporate/enterprise users. Windows-centric organizations may now run Drupal on IIS and SQL Server if they wish.

Installation instructions are in the Handbook.
At this point, MSSQL compatibility is lightly tested. Please do post bug reports in the Bug Tracker. Also, modules in the Contrib repository will often fail on MSSQL.

Debian package available for Drupal 4.1.0

Hugo Espuny has been working hard to prepare the Drupal 4.1.0 Debian package which is now part of Debian's unstable distribution (sid) from where, hopefully, it will bubble up to the stable distribution (woody).


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