For problems and solutions related to database compatibility.

Create New System Using Drupal CMS

This is forum for who want to develop system using the drupal cms

Fatal Error ! while installing modules......

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1209949 bytes) in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\ on line 303

this was the error i got while i was saving a module config. ... what should i do now?
has anyone else encountered this problem while hosting drupal on xampp?


How do i intergrate flash chat with drupal I have installed drupal and i have the flash chat i bought installed please be in detail in not the brightest thanks also i just recently learned how to install my own scripts :P

Please help! out of memory! where can i set this?

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1009540 bytes) in /home/ccebunet/public_html/mandaue/includes/ on line 200

Warning: Table 'watchdog' was not locked with LOCK TABLES query: INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (3, 'php', 'Table 'sessions' was not locked with LOCK TABLES\nquery: SELECT sid FROM sessions WHERE sid = 'e8d6798d0c32b5761c62c15e94781edc' in /home/ccebunet/public_html/mandaue/includes/ on line 172.', 2, '', '', '', '', 1216949915) in /home/ccebunet/public_html/mandaue/includes/ on line 172

MySQL tables corrupted

last weekend few of our Drupal MySQL tables are corrupted and we not sure how it happen.....Is there any way to check cause of this issue...


change DB

Can I make login check users from another database ?


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