This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

import rss feeds as nodes

i'm looking for a way to import rss feeds as nodes (linked to specific termes of the taxonomy) into my community. i've come across several posts discussing this matter and was wondering about the status quo and if there is already someone working on this.
one post mentioned a module called rss_html, but i wasn't able to find any further information about it.


Standard for joins and taxonomy term nodes


While developing a new module I came accross a performance issue. I need to discover the node creation date, but also information from other two tables. I could make a triple join, I guess, but I haven't see this kind of thing in drupal. Usually, the third column/table is taken on a while()/foreach() loop, and this might add too much sql queries. So does anyone have something against complex joins or am I being to conservative?


i think every module that changes stuff in the drupal database should not only have an install script (how to add tables, move the module, configure in admin interface, pref in standard format) but also how to *deinstall* the module. not just remove the module from the directory but also the required mysql statements to remove the tables.

looking at my show tables, there are still a lot of deinstalled tables which should have been removed. now i can do that with some mysql info, but it should be standard in the install document

version of forum?

what version is this discussion forum module installed on this site?

the standard forum, or at least the one i installed doesn't work the same as this one, with topic coutns, link to new topics, etc.

and what version of drupal does this site run?

profile.module requires CVS version circa March 2001?

For the profile.module - the Install/Readme file says:

This module requires Drupal CVS version circa March 2001.

Is this why I can only see the profile module working in my admin interface, but it will not show up on the user-end?

newbie wants to understand how node.module works...

i'm trying to add a wysiwyg kind of javascript formatting buttons onto the top of textarea fields in page, story, blog and comment entry... but nary a clue do i have...


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