This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Weather module

Is there a working weather module out there??

I want one!!!

How can I get variables from a POST?


I am new Drupal user. Last time I was trying to develop simple module and I have simple question to you: How I can get variables, which was post from form?


Ldap problems

I am using 4.6.1. I use a windows 2003 domain system. I have ldap_indegration module setup. When I try to connect I am getting the following error :
ldap_bind(): Unable to bind to server: Invalid credentials in D:\Inetpub\UCPrivate\modules\ldap_integration\LDAPInterface.php on line 59.

then I get

LDAP Bind failure for user uid=administrator,dc=unicoischools,dc=com. Error 49: Invalid credentials

I am using the correct username and password. Any ideas what would cause this?

Bruce Tolley

ecommerce shipping

I want to make a module to offer ups rates for shipping in ecommerce. To do this, the shipping module needs to know the sender's and receiver's zip code (or full address) and the weight of the shipment. Given the hooks and structure of the ecommerce modules, where would I look for this information?

GoogleAds and Firefox

For some reason, the GoogleAds module works fine for me in IE, but in Firefox, I get the placeholder. Anyone know what's going on?

Delete SQL queries

OK in one of my new modules, I am trying to do a "bulk" delete of rows from a table using:

db_query("DELETE FROM sampleTable WHERE keyColumn like 'deleteme%'");
$rowCt = db_affected_rows();

In this example, $rowCt gets set to 144 indicating 144 rows were deleted as expected. But, when I go look at the table ... the number of rows is UNCHANGED!


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