Drupal is up and running but how do I ...?

ping.module config not showing up

I have a fairly stock drupal install (latest). Under config > Modules I have ping checked, but I can't seem to get to any config options for ping... i.e., to setup what services I want to ping (blo.gs, weblogger.com, etc..)

Anyone else seeing this problem? Know a fix?


Removing home & my account links

I was wondering how to remove the home & my account links from the top and bottom of the page....also am wondering is it possible to change the color of the boxes where you input your username and password? I know how to do it with html but not sure how to do it here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Limitations to user e-mail address?

a user to my site has reported that she was unable to register with her normal a-mail address, which is some//thing(at)c.dk She gets the message 'invalid e-mail address' or something like that. This IS a valid address, btw.


osx clean urls problem

I have installed drupal a couple of times now, w/o problem (both times on Linux, on a server on my LAN, then on a hosting service). Each time, clean urls worked without any attention at all.

Now I have installed drupal on my main desktop computer, running osx. Clean URLs don't work (generate 404 errors). But apache seems to be configured with mod_rewrite, and I have the drupal .htaccess installed.

My config is:

Drupal 4.3.2
OSX 10.2.8
PHP Version 4.3.4
www.entropy.ch Release 1

Creating a links page

I'm working on converting my existing site to drupal, and have several questions about techniques to implement some features that should be of general interest to others. This one relates to links pages. Right now I have the standard page with a list of sites and descriptions, organized alphabetically.

It would really be nice to have a tool where members of my community to submit link recommendations that were classified by subject, but required approval to get listed. Doesn't seem like much of a leap to implement, but is there a module that provides the service?


Blocks vs Boxes vs Nodes

I've got drupal set up and seem to have a basic grasp on the whole thing, but I'm running into an issue. I've got the main part of the template using the story node, which is all well and good. But I want to put a couple things on the side bar. One of them is a static "who we are" sort of thing, which seems that it should be either a Box or an HTML Block.


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