Drupal is up and running but how do I ...?

Form API


Ok, the new form API is cool and all, But im really having a pain displaying and editing this stuff.

Here it goes....
$form['easiness'] = array(
'#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Easiness 1-5'),
'#options' => array('','','','',''),
'#required' => TRUE,

That outputs 5 radio buttons one on top of the other (vertically). I need them all to be horizontal. Then, the first radio button has a value of "0", the next "1", etc. I need the radio buttons to start from 1 and go to 5.

user data question

I'm wondering if anybody has a legend that explains how this data is entered into the database?


I'm trying to merge another contacts database into the drupal one, and this field called "DATA" in the users table, is pretty cryptic!

Thank you!

Menu taxonomy

can we 'create content' for a menu item?

I want to create content for menu item "Who We Are" under "First Time Visitors".
but, I don't see that menu item in the lists of where I can assign the content node.

from what I can tell, I have to create categories?

menus and menu items appear to be containers only.

thanks for any help in advance.

Newbie can't find node menu

So I just started evaluating Drupal for my company. I did a fresh install of 4.6 and started looking around. I really need a calendar, so I installed the Events module. Step 4 of the INSTALL.txt file tells me to go to "admin/node/configure/types", but I can't seem to find this menu.

Am I crazy? Is it supposed to be there? Do I need to enable it?

I DID search these forums for an answer before posting.

Any must-read resources for someone new to Drupal?


HDI change the way categories display entries?

Take this example:

Is there anyway I can have those entries display without teasers? Just as the title of the entry and the date it was entered with the title serving as a link to the entry? It's help with my navigation.

Personal contact forms vs Private msg

I am wondering which one I should choose. Do they both serve essentially the same function?

Any suggestions?


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