Drupal is up and running but how do I ...?

Problems with php date function and Drupal's search feature??

Hi everyone,

I've learned a lot about Drupal the last few weeks.

I'm having a problem getting the date function to work properly.
It shows the previous date or sometimes a few days behind.

It was working fine until I got Drupal's search feature working with the cron job.

I used this code from w3 schools:

User Badges Question

I've recently installed the user badges module, and am looking to see how I can have badges appear next to the users name, in node/forum/comment posts.


Problem with audio.module


I have been trying to get the audio.module and the audio_attach.module to run on a music site that I am creating. I am trying to attach an audio file to a file product to give the product an audio snippet so that people can listen to part of the song before they buy it. Everything had been going pretty well until I uploaded an mp3 file that did not have the title and the artist embedded in the file. Well, the title and the author defaulted to blank leaving the title for the audio file at 'by' because of the '%title by %author' default title. This is obviously not a very convienient title for a song so I tried to edit the audio node to manually fill in the title and the author tags.

At first when ever I tried to edit the node I kept getting the message 'A file must be provided.' from the audio_validate hook even though I had already attached a file. The changes made were not persistent. I found out that the validate is actually getting called twice on edit with two different nodes being passed in. This behavior seems very strange to me. One of these nodes meets the validation criteria and the other does not. I tried going around this by putting in an extra conditional but when I got it to recognize the attached file instead of editing the original audio node it created an entirely new one with the changes to the node in effect. This is very counter intuitive and I can not understand why it would create a new audio node on edit.


I put this bit of code as a block:

if (user_access('access content')) {
// Count users with activity in the past defined period.
$time_period = variable_get('user_block_seconds_online', 2700);

// Perform database queries to gather online user lists.
$guests = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT COUNT(sid) AS count FROM {sessions} WHERE timestamp >= %d AND uid = 0', time() - $time_period));
$users = db_query('SELECT DISTINCT(uid), MAX(timestamp) AS max_timestamp FROM {sessions} WHERE timestamp >= %d AND uid != 0 GROUP BY uid ORDER BY max_timestamp DESC', time() - $time_period);
$total_users = db_num_rows($users);

// Format the output with proper grammar.
if ($total_users == 1 && $guests->count == 1) {
$output = t('There is currently %members and %visitors online.', array (
'%members' => format_plural($total_users,
'1 user',
'%count users'
), '%visitors' => format_plural($guests->count, '1 guest', '%count guests')));
else {
$output = t('There are currently %members and %visitors online.', array (
'%members' => format_plural($total_users, '1 user', '%count users' ),
'%visitors' => format_plural($guests->count, '1 guest', '%count guests'))

// Display a list of currently online users.
$max_users = variable_get('user_block_max_list_count', 10);
if ($max_users) {
$items = array ();

auto insert texonomy id onto content post

i was wondering if is possible to link texonomy id directly onto content post.

for example,

i'm browsing under "tennis", and decided to post something under "tennis"
current method require user to manually select category "tennis" in order to post under "tennis".
what happens i have 100s categories? :) this could be very messy and confusing for users.

is there a way to auto insert category automatically? ex. if i'm under tennis, when I click "create story" the story i create will automatically fall under "tennis"?

Your help is appreciated,

Category and taxonomy out of sync.

Im using the latest versions of drupal and category module as of writing. And a few hours after installing it all my categories and taxonomy are out of sync (I have had the wrapper enabled since the start).

Looking at the missing items in the taxonomy, I think I know what went wrong. There are 2 reasons:
- I deleted a container, then went to the orphans section, and reassigned all of the orphan categories into another container. In my taxonomy those categories are missing.


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