Template for taxonomy not working?


While I've worked for 4+ years with PHP, spend many hours scripting phpBBs/Wordpress' instalations, I'm new to Drupal and finding it not working as I want and little to no clear manuals to Drupal 7.

I'm trying to get custom template for my taxonomy page (no nice urls, so it's ?q=taxonomy/term/5).

I've tried page--taxonomy--term--5.tpl.php, page--taxonomy.tpl.php & taxonomy--term--5.tpl.php - and still nothing (cleared cache as well). What am I missing/doing wrong?

Contextual links and JQuery

I defined a contextual link that appears in a node type

	$items['node/%node_t/unregister'] = array(
		'title' => t('Unregister t'),
		'page callback' => 'unregister_cb',
		'page arguments' => array(1),
		'access callback' => TRUE,
		'type'	=> MENU_LOCAL_ACTION,
		'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE,

now I want that a JQuery dialog confirmation (are you sure? yes/no) appears before the contextual link calls the page callback.

Which is the right approach to do so?

Thanks to all

PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'myTable.semaphore' doesn't exist

Hi all,

This is a fresh installation of Drupal 7 on a subdomain.
It is as downloaded from Drupal.org.

Can you please share your thought?

Users type

I was wandering is it possible to create two types of users? what I mean is that when you make a account you can choose what type of user you are student or tutor then accordingly you have to fill out form.
So the question is can users choose what form do the fill out (student or tutor) and how to set diffident privliges for each type.

Thank you for your help
I you could recommend me a book to start me off that wold be great :D

Advanced Forum Animated Avatar gif not working


I'm using Drupal 7 mainly for the advanced forum.

Problem is that I can't use animated gifs for user avatars, can anyone give me some ideas on how to resolve this?

Any info would be helpful!


Any alternatives to Insert module?

I'm using colorbox and insert with D7.

It works great for one or two images, but I'm finding the insert mod to be very time consuming and cumbersome when inserting more than a couple of images.

I'm trying to set up a node with 20 or so images and doing it one-at-a-time takes forever.

I would still like to use colorbox if possible so is there a compatible substitute for insert? Or is there a way to insert several images at once using insert?

Thanks, CC


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