drupal theme checkboxes

I'm trying to us the theme hook the style some checkboxes. I have used the form_alter hook to make some changes to the labels of each checkbox and now i would like to interact with the checkbox theme function to style the labels.

In the form array it says
#theme (String, 20 characters ) select_as_checkboxes

is this the function i need to override? And how do i do this? I tried stuff like
function mymodule_select_as_checkboxes()

but i can't get it to work

Import entity and nodes from database


Maybe it is very easy but after hours of search (and not that found as i aspected) i will try it with a post.

For a commerce site i have to import the products and news-articles from another system. The prefered way is to import it from a database table which contains all new products and news-articles i have to import.

I searched for a module (like feeds) that i could use for that, but all modules i have found could import an entity from rss, csv, aso but not from a database table.

Views filter according to the node id

Hi all,

I want a section where user with certain role will be able to access the uploaded files for that node in the one of the block section of the page

For which I have

1.Created a custom content type
2. Added a cck field to upload the files
3.Created a custom theme page to manage the content display
4.Created a block which will be accessed by user with specific role using authentication option of block
5.Created a view which will list the list of files associated with that node.

Add/Edit form - with normal theme NOT admin

Trying to template a form - that's all going well :-)

Except when I add or edit a form - I get the admin UI - not the normal node ui (based on a zen subtheme)

Is it a permissions thing on the custom content type?

any help appreciated

Email Field or text html field which changes to clickable link anyways in D7

Looking for guidance on if I should us the module "Email Field CCK Module" or use default text field which changes txt to clickable link if html is selected in Drupal 7. I was trying to do some importing using feeds and it didn't recognize the field as an option to import to when using Email field, but that was not critical anyways. Any thoughts on which one is the best way to go about it as well as related future drupal upgrades and capability?

Site Building, Site Configuration, etc. not showing

Admittedly, I am a novice on Drupal 7, and I am having problems getting the Administer functions like "Site building" and "Site configuration," etc. I was successful in installing most of the modules. Is there a module, or modules, I must install, and if so, what module(s)? I really need help, because I desperately want to experiment with RDF. Thanks.



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