Query Using Multiple References

I need a list of nodes associated with a specific taxonomy term, but the term is only indirectly related to the content type. So the term contains a node reference. The node it references contains another node reference to a node of a different content type.

Is there a clean way to do this? It seems like I would have to write a pretty messy query to do this.


Bartik: can not change width of user-picture-upload field.

I am not able to change the width of the "user picture upload field" on the "edit my account" page.

Firebug shows the following code for the upload-field:

<input id="edit-picture-upload" class="form-file" type="file" size="48" name="files[picture_upload]">

Size needs to be reduced from "48" to "30". But I can not find the lines in the style.css where I can reduce the width of the upload input field. Right now the field is too wide and breaks my layout.

Trying to theme Views Slideshow Slider

Im trying to theme slideshow slider to something like that
but i cant realize how to render images (the little dots) in the pager or something like that.

Thanks in advance.

Drupal database date data type


I am brand new to both php and Drupal. In fairly short order I am going to need myself up to speed in both my understanding of Drupal as well as the php API. Having said that - I have been reviewing the drupal data model and was hoping one of the experts could point me in the right direction regarding the date field of some records that appear to use an integer. I did lool for a potential calandar date table to no avail.

Gallery Formatter README.txt


* Introduction
* Features
* Installation
* Usage
* Recommended Modules
* Obtaining Help


Current Maintainer: Manuel Garcia
Profile: http://drupal.org/user/213194
Contact: http://drupal.org/user/213194/contact
Module Project Page: http://drupal.org/project/galleryformatter
Issue Queue: http://drupal.org/project/issues/galleryformatter

Gallery formatter provides a formatter for image fields, which will turn any
image field into a jQuery Gallery.


1. Two imagecache presets which will work out of the box beautifully.

2. The thumbnails run under an infinite carousel.

3. Degrades gracefully without JS enabled, the gallery still works.

4. Integrated out of the box with thickbox, colorbox (recommended as the
thickbox upgrade path), shadowbox and lightbox2 for the view full links.

5. Works with the swfupload, image_fupload, and imagefield_crop widgets.

6. A hook for modules to provide styles for the galleries.

7. Two options for styles, no style and a green arrows style. No style should be
used for developing your own styles.

8. Source svgs for the green arrows style, so you can use it as an example to
expand on, using inkscape for example.

9. Fully themeable through tpl file, overriding the template_preprocess, or just

Sum of fields using computed field module


I was wondering if anyone knew where I was going wrong with my code. I need to find the sum of some fields using the computed field module. I have a field called field_hours_spent_working. This field is repeated every time someone does a bit of work. I would like another field below this that works out the total hours worked (adding up the field_hours_spent-working).

Here's the code:

$node_field[0]['value'] = db_result(db_query("SELECT SUM(field_hours_spent_working) FROM {content_type_type_new_design_job}"));

And here's the display code:


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