Build Views lists with access-controlled add buttons
Add query parameters to prepopulate form values
Use multiple buttons to generate add buttons per entity type/bundle for more complex Views.

Have you ever wanted to create "add" buttons with tokens from your contextual filters? Did you ever need a custom list of nodes with an add button at the top that checks for entity create access, without having to write a custom handler or put a view inside a view? Then this module is for you!

Views Add Button lets you make an "add a node" button of any content type (D7), or an "add an entity" of any type and bundle (D8), and you may specify CSS classes and destination parameters for your link. You may also create multiple buttons with differing parameters if needed: just add multiple instances of the button field.

How to Use

After install, in the header/footer/no results/fields of a view you will see an "Entity Add Button" (D8 version). Add this to your header/footer, and configure as needed. Further documentation about configuring buttons and writing custom access/URL handlers can be found in the module documentation.

Modules using Views Add Button

Need more than add buttons?


Views Add Button was developed for the Niobi Research Center and Flashpoint Education projects.

Supporting organizations: 
Maintains/develops the module

Project information
