Drupal: 6.19
Ubercart: rc4
Devel and stable version of bulk stock update won't update the stock level.

create a view
add bulk option for stock update
submit it
select all products and change the stock level to a number other than default!
success message will appear but nothing will change


hiddentao’s picture

@holydrupal, are you sure this is a bug within this module? It doesn't use Views to generate the listing - it's custom driven. You can find the Bulk Stock Updater 'view' via the Store administration > Stock > Bulk update menu.

holydrupal’s picture

Sorry, but I don't have any option called "Bulk update" in the stock page.

hiddentao’s picture

@holydrupal, if you disable and then re-enable this module (followed by flushing caches) you should see a menu item at Store administration > Stock > Bulk update. If you don't see this then there may be a problem with your Drupal installation or it may be a conflict between this module and another module you already enabled.

As mentioned before, this module does not use Views to generate the listing. And creating a view will not give you the bulk updating interface.