
I've installed module, then went to admin/store/stock and noticed that list is empty only table header and column title are displayed. At the same time page admin/store/products show all products correctly. All actions are made under Admin user 1. So there should not be any problems with permissions.

Have tried with latest stable and DEV module versions.

Is there any possibility to solve this issue or understand what I've done wrong?


hiddentao’s picture

@mini_me What version of Ubercart are you using?

mini_me’s picture

I'm using Ubercart 2.2.
If there some changes in SQL tables structure, is it possible to apply some hot fix?

Without bulk edit feature our store admin is hanging with updating the stock for ages :(

hiddentao’s picture

@mini_me, I'll have to test it with Ubercart 2.2 to see what the problem is. Let me get back to you on this.

hiddentao’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » hiddentao
mini_me’s picture

Assigned: hiddentao » Unassigned

Will wait for any updates. I'd like to investigate by my own, but there are no any errors coming, so don't know where start.

mini_me’s picture

I've looked little bit deeper, and seems to me problem is solved. Main query select stock levels for active records from table uc_product_stock. Currently stocks for all products were disabled. After enabling it displayed records correctly.

mini_me’s picture

So it would be nice to have bulk stock enabling disabling function ;) Like separate checkbox in product list

hiddentao’s picture

@mini_me, yeah it would be good to provide the ability to edit more fields. Right now the fields shown are hard-coded. I think the next step would be to make it configurable so that you could choose which fields were shown.

andrews501’s picture


I was testing this module today and noticed that all the active products don't appear in the list of uc bulk stock updater. Before installing it I also tried to look at my stock report and also the same products appear but not all the ones I have active.

I went to my database table and changed from 1 to 0, in order to inactivate all of them. Then I activated them again from 0 to 1. Here I noticed that the first three products I activated randomly appeared in both the stock updater and stock report. So I am imagining that the problem might be in the views that generate both lists.

Any suggestions on how to solve this issue so the entire list of products can be seen in the report and bulk updater, please?

Using Drupal core 6.19, and Ubercart 6.x-2.4.

Many thanks! Great module!