
In the Admin-menu module, there is a useful function which allow to add into the op level menu bar all the tabs-primary links. (View, edit, track..)

In my template i need to use tabs that can be nested (jquery UI tabs do) but i don't want them to be "primary-tabs" or whatever. just tabs.
How can i override the function to make it works?

Thanks for your help


nedjo’s picture

Category: support » feature

This would require a new feature. Implementation might be:

1. 'tabset' element has a new attribute, '#style'. Options are drupal_core and all available themes that ship with jquery_ui.

2. In rendering, we conditionally load jquery_ui theme css.

3. We also pass the theme in Drupal.settings and use that to conditionally add the classes used by Drupal core for primary/secondary tabs.

I'd welcome a patch.