structure_sync 2.0.1

Bug fixes

Reverts a bad D9 compatibility commit, which breaks the Drush import command (and possibly other things).

Changes since 2.0.0:

structure_sync 2.0.0

Bug fixes
New features

This is the first release with Drupal 9 support.

Warning: This release drops support for Drush versions < 9. If you're still on Drush 8, say because you're using Aegir*, please open an issue to bring back support (and ideally provide a patch).

Changes since 8.x-1.16:

structure_sync 8.x-1.16

Bug fixes

Issue #2961392 by dmouse, nwoodland: Taxonomy with custom fields not exported correctly

structure_sync 8.x-1.14

Bug fixes

Fixes an issue:
#3009375 - Taxonomy with parent and child terms can lead to endless import loop

structure_sync 8.x-1.13

Bug fixes


  • #3000775 All dependencies must be prefixed with the project name
  • #2981825 Notice: Undefined index: revision_id and Notice: Undefined index: rev_id_current when exporting custom blocks
  • #2959393 Undefined notice when exporting menu

structure_sync 8.x-1.9

Bug fixes

Fixes the following issue:
#2943053: Patch for link attributes Full import

structure_sync 8.x-1.8

New features

Fixes the following issue:
#2937999 Integration with menu_link_attributes (does not preserve attributes)

structure_sync 8.x-1.5

New features

Feature added in this release:

  • #2925825: Pass drush arguments to import commands

structure_sync 8.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Fixes some coding standard issues, no changes in features

structure_sync 8.x-1.0

This module is ready for using there can be small bugs, please report bug so we can fix them as soon as possible.

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