While creating or editing the body (yellow square) in the sticky note editor (the modal window), once the text area is full, you can no longer see what you are typing. The text as you are typing disappears from view. It would be nice to make it auto scrolling as you type so you can write a longer note.

I just love this module!


colorado’s picture

Here's how:

In the sticky_notes module, edit this file: sticky_notes/css/sticky_notes.forms.css

On line 30, change this:

overflow: hidden;

to this:

overflow: auto;

This is under the css selector #sticky-notes-form textarea#edit-body

This also causes a vertical scroll bar when viewing the sticky pinned on the page when the text exceeds the size of the sticky. (Great!)

However, that causes the (absolute-positioned) author/date line to act funny. I worked around that by moving that to the top of the sticky:

In the sticky_notes module, edit this file: sticky_notes/css/sticky_notes.css

On line 145, change this:

bottom: 0px;

to this:

top: -3px;

This is under the css selector div.sticky-notes-note-item-author

I also then (in the same file) added a 10px margin to the top of the sticky note content to make it all fit:

On line 103, change this:

margin-top: 0px;

to this:

margin-top: 10px;

This is under the css selector div.sticky-notes-note-item-body p

Now you have sticky notes with scrolling content area.