This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Provides a service provider role and directly related functionality.

By itself, this module does little to nothing, and that is by design. It exists to make it easier for independent modules providing functionality in the service provider space to be compatible with one another.

Key links and information

* Issues:
* Source code:
* Keywords: find it, drupal, drutopia, config, organization, service provider
* Package name: drupal/serviceprovider


Originally developed for the Find It Program Locator and Event Discovery platform.

Micro-configuration features

The rationale behind role-only modules (and default roles in Drupal core) is to allow contributed modules (and core modules) to set intelligent defaults, just as many modules do for anonymous and authenticated roles.

Supporting organizations: 
Conceived and built.
Supports the Find It project.

Project information
