Pusher Mini is featured in a blog post about receiving notifications: https://www.previousnext.com.au/blog/symfony-messenger/post-7-ui-notific...

A glue project for setting app/API keys for Pusher.

See README for Installation, Configuration, Usage, etc.


  • Key management with Key: Secrets and public keys.
  • Public app keys are optionally exposed to the front end with JavaScript.
  • A Pusher client object factory is included.
  • An optional user authentication endpoint is provided if you wish to be able to target message to specific Drupal users.
  • Advanced connection details enable the ability to connect to self-hosted Soketi instances. Rather than Pusher.com.

Pusher server-side

This project uses the Pusher packagist library. You should install the module
with Composer so your dependencies are managed automatically. Support is not
provided for non-Composer installations.

Pusher client-side

The Pusher JS client is intentionally not included with this project. You may
bundle it with your site in any way you like, such as with your own NPM/Yarn build system or embedding directly with a CDN. This project passes along Pusher
Client configuration to the browser via window.PusherConfiguration when the
user in context has pusher_mini use permission.

This project is not affiliated with Pusher or MessageBird or any of its parent companies or subsidiaries.


Toasty uses Pusher Mini to send and show notifications to users: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/toasty/-/blob/1.x/src/Messenger/Middl...

Supporting organizations: 
Provided development time.

Project information
