Per Page Queue provides a nodequeue service that can display a different subqueue for each page, based on that page's path.

It allows users with permission to create, edit and delete subqueues based on path aliases; By adding the provided block to the site, visitors can view these subqueues when visiting these paths.


Creating a Per Page Queue

To create a Per Page Queue, navigate to the admin structure nodequeue page and click the "add per page queue" link. Configure the nodequeue, minding the two configurations that this module adds:

Use Tokens

Checking this box will enable the use of tokenized paths as opposed to just simple paths. Tokenized paths work well with the Pathauto module. For example, assume we have a content type "news" that has a pathauto settings of "news/[year]/[month]/[day]/[title]" and several nodes that created these path aliases:


If you do not check the "Use Tokens" box, you will have to create a single subqueue for each news item that you want. If you DO check the "User Tokens" box, you can create a subqueue that will work on a specific tokenized path, so the subqueue whose path is "news/2011/09/%/%" (where (%) is the token sign) means it will be displayed on "dolor", "sit" and "amet", while the subqueue whose path is "news/2011/%/15/%" will be displayed on "lorem" and "amet".

In cases where several subqueues might match the current page (say, we have three subqueues whose paths are "news/2011/%/15/%", "news/2011/09/%/%" and "news/2011/09/15/amet"), only one of the subqueues will be displayed in the following precedence:

  • The non-tokenized path is always first (e.g. "news/2011/09/15/amet") or ;
  • If there are several tokenized paths, prefere the one with the rightmost tokens (e.g. "news/2011/09/%/%" takes precedence over "news/2011/%/15/%".)

Display View

If you have the Views module installed and enabled, you will be given an option to select a View to display in a block. This View must display nodes (not users or any other type of object that Views support,) must have a defined relationship with the queue, and expect the first argument to be a Subqueue ID.

Once selected, you can use the Block admin screen to place this block anywhere. When viewing a page that contains this block, the block will look for the top matching path (as described above in Use Tokens,) and, if found, will display the View's content.

The View can have several displays (several pages and blocks, for example.) When selecting which view to display, the form will list all the potential displays, with "Master" being the default display.

Admin Block

The module provides a block for admins that provides a form to add a new subqueue for the currently visited page. If there is already a subqueue for the visited page it will display a link to edit that subqueue.

Not doing it with Views

If you prefer another solution to Views, for each path you can get the top matching subqueue by calling the function perpagequeue_load_subqueue_by_path().

Project information
