This should be a pretty long one and be done in parts. I think I will just add comments as I make commits. So watch out for a bunch of emails.

1) Put in dependency to ctools: DONE. :)


zzolo’s picture

2) Create new data structure and add update functions.

Things to note:
* Ctools has some various extra fields it uses in the Drupal schema array
* I Think "openlayers_map_presets" table should be renamed to "openlayers_maps" to stick with the conventions. Not going to worry about at the moment. Overall, maybe we should steer away from presets and just use maps, since we are fully introducing layers and styles into all this.

zzolo’s picture

Changing bulk of map preset infrastructure in core module:

* openlayers_get_presets() is not really needed as openlayers_presets() gets all the presets. This function gets presets in a format for options in a select: openlayers_preset_options()

zzolo’s picture

3) Created some testing just to make sure things were working in the core module.

* Its important to note that any modules that want to implement map presets, need to also implement hook_ctools_plugin_api() which threw me off for a loop.
* Next step is to update UI to handle the new preset architecture

zzolo’s picture

Title: 2.x: Change Map Preset Infrastructure to use Ctools » 2.x: Change Map Preset Architecture to use Ctools

Updated supplemental modules for changes in core api. Overall it was simple, but the UI module required a lot of work. The UI module will need a once over we convert other things to plugins.

zzolo’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (fixed)

Oh, yeah, gonna close this. I think the bulk of this issue is done.