This module is part of Openfed distribution and the main purpose is to provide share links for social networks, in order to share content.
This module doesn't depend on any external service and doesn't save any information about the user.

Drupal 7

Important: If you want to replace ShareThis module, read the instructions "Migrate from ShareThis".
If you are using this module as is, without migrating from share this, read the normal "Module Usage"

Module Usage

- enable the module
- go to /admin/config/services/ofed_social and make your selection. You should use default theme, unless you are migrating from "ShareThis".
- place the block "Openfed Social Block" wherever you want to display the share links
- you may override theme_ofed_social_links_default to customize the output

Migrate from ShareThis

- enable ofed_social and ofed_social_sharethis_migrate submodule
- go to admin/config/services/ofed_social_sharethis_migrate and read the instructions carefully.
- run the migration and everything should look the same as before if you use a ShareThis custom theme, otherwise this module default will be used.

Drupal 8

- enable the module
- go to /admin/config/services/ofed_social and make your selection
- place the block "Openfed Social Block" wherever you want to display the share links
- you may use ofed-social-links-default.html.twig to customize the output

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
