This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module provides a table view with all members (subscribers) of an organic group.

This module contains security vulnerabilities so all of the releases have been unpublished. If you use this module you are encouraged to disable it. If you would like to help maintain it, contact the security team.

Useful to present sport teams or your staff!

You can show the members of groub with picture and additionally informations in a table on the group homepage or you also can insert this table in any node by a filter [teamtable:xxx] where xxx stands for the group id and configure the table with all (existing) og homepage types.

  • usable with all organic groups homepage nodes
  • usable as a filter in all node types
  • a picture can be uploaded for each user in each group
  • additional information can be added for each user in each group like real name, position in team, description of what the member does in this team
  • members can be hidden from view so for example admins can be a member but must not be shown

Project information
