
Works with Drupal: 7.x

Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies


Download migrate-7.x-2.6.tar.gztar.gz 315.43 KB
MD5: 306d4af6d43825f1d6e5de42ef48cb61
SHA-1: f25c46924afce2056341100455d4bf3af003e2bd
SHA-256: 1db121dde5af1d893e9f43c9e3b93cda20effd3de3750d4e0c6f77f329ca4115
Download migrate-7.x-2.6.zipzip 367.21 KB
MD5: c50cc2743083e20f114df0b7a84f5da0
SHA-1: bde23b25c6586cea40c41a1eef800935bcc34839
SHA-256: 4f02a46be0ddc1fe0e784288a081f909d74015c78cb8bb01c3c9bb9502db0f30

Release notes

Migrate 2.6


Migration developers will need to add the "advanced migration information"
permission to their roles to continue seeing all the info in the UI they're
used to.

Auto-registration (having classes be registered just based on their class name,
with no call to registerMigration or definition in hook_migrate_api()) is no
longer supported. Registration of classes defined in hook_migrate_api() is no
longer automatic - do a drush migrate-register or use the Register button in the
UI to register them.

Migration class constructors should now always accept an $arguments array as
the first parameter and pass it to its parent. This version does support legacy
migrations which pass a group object, or nothing, but these methods are

Features and enhancements (since RC2)

- #2390229 - Make literal strings monolithic.
- #2391789 - Add extender getter to better support extending wizards.

Bug fixes (since RC2)

- #2391891 - idlist with XML source causes exception.
- #2314077 - Don't merge group dependencies into migration dependencies.
- #2392683 - Set vocabulary name (bundle) explicitly for term reference fields.

Migrate 2.6 Release Candidate 2

Features and enhancements

- #2363015 - Add support for modifying wizards defined by other modules.
- #2353527 - Add getter/setter for trackLastImported.
- #2302929 - Explicitly count IDs for JSON source counts.
- #2296187 - Batch MigrateSQLSource queries.
- #2260211 - Allow skipping of file contents in MigrateListFiles.
- #2259089 - Display actual query for SQL sources.
- #2224297 - Destination handler for custom blocks.
- #2370677 - Add removeStep() method to Wizard API.
- #2306953 - Give basic users a little more information.
- #2261357 - Add prepareCallback/completeCallback to table destination.
- #2306923 - Propagate message statuses to drupal_set_message in batch.
- #2301679 - Display all source key fields in the message view.
- #2312075 - Add --ignore-highwater option to drush imports
- #1961316 - Get data from all XML namespaces
- #1298724 - Add a node revision destination plugin.
- #1890610 - Add a MongoDB source plugin
- #2065295 - Add ability to disable other module's hooks during migration.
- #2051547 - Add ability to revert UI-defined field mappings.

Bug fixes

- #2266395 - Check for valid picture file saving users.
- #2225551 - Add field validation to entity destination plugins.
- #2285966 - Added exception handling around constructors.
- #2370877 - Fix reloading of wizard steps after first.
- #2358767 - Topological sort to help avoid false circular dependency errors.
- #2019193 - Properly handle destination DNM status on field mapping save.
- #2250081 - Fix PostgreSQL failure updating node statistics on comments.
- #2157933 - Fix PostgreSQL error with empty source migrations.
- #2177313 - Make sure reused file entities are saved to pick up field changes.
- #2352971 - Treat empty default values as NULL in field mapping editor.
- #2347205 - Explicitly default the language for terms.
- #2307599 - Notice for non-advanced users on rollback.
- #2305105 - Remove pedantically-deprecated hyphens.
- #2325237 - Handle language arrays for file fields.
- #2258909 - Use migrated languages for file fields.
- #2323605 - Handle single-parent terms properly.
- #2313495 - Handle multilingual path aliases.
- #2261227 - Fixed missing subfields on edit mapping form.
- #2154385 - Add file/line context to source plugin exceptions.
- #2190255 - Remove duplicate warnings on missing XML source.
- #2129609 - Remove warnings on MS SQL counts.
- #2109931 - Pass drush global options to subprocess.
- #2236279 - Prevent ignore_case from causing created terms to be lower-cased.
- #2104149 - Sanity-check decrypted arguments.
- #2047523 - Consistently document destination handler fields() implementations.
- #2244759 - Rollback migrations in proper (reverse) order in UI.
- #2184641 - Make saveHighwater() work with PostgreSQL.
- #2076035 - Properly check key values in saveMessage().
- #2076035 - Validate that term names are not empty.
- #2225809 - Use proper API for registering wizard classes.
- #2105037 - Expose nid/uid destinations when is_new is on.
- #2145213 - Add SQLMap constructor documentation.
- #2213033 - Add batch callback documentation.
- #2095829 - Remove all variables on uninstall.
- #2072721 - Proper title for migrate_example_baseball feature.
- #1999228 - Removed AJAX from field mapping form for performance.
- #2237755 - Fix activeUrl handling in JSON source.
- #2237891 - Use drupal_register_shutdown_function().
- #2141409 - Handle drush spawning when Drupal in subdirectory.
- #2191335 - Remove unused columns from CSV source row.
- #2210533 - Properly pass directory by reference.
- #2141569 - Explicitly create group in baseball example.
- #2159291 - Add message for missing argument to drush migrate-messages.
- #2019193 - Fix unsetting of DNM source fields through the UI.
- #2227061 - Fix to subfields in a multi-value context.
- #2170177 - Properly handle multi-value fields when a subfield is mapped first.
- #2120205 - Fix bug when upgrading lastimported from D6 to D7.
- #2109821 - Handle multi-value subfields in the default field handler.
- #2039649 - Smarter setting of file 'type' field.
- #2106925 - Fix machine_name generation for legacy migrations.
- #2102087 - Don't pass --group to drush subprocess.
- #2099585 - Enable group option on drush migrate-stop.
- #2088255 - Eliminate notices on migrate_map_hash with track_changes.
- #2014849 - Make sure (again) statistics properly default to 0.
- #2042535 - Properly set file_usage for user pictures.
- #2060631 - Fix notices on poll vote import.
- #2049689 - Empty values for node is_new caused SQL errors.
- #2042399 - Node import did not respect revision flag.
- #2034885 - For XML sources, don't override values populated in prepareRow().
- #2041267 - Handle lack of potential dependencies on edit page.
- #2040101 - Breadcrumbs in migration UI missing sections
- #2033947 - Empty migration display names when matching group names.
- #2037265 - Static migrations were not registered on module enable.
- #2021457 - Coding standard improvements for
- #2030559 - Add deprecation messages for arguments().
- #1854382 - Fix handling of terms with leading spaces.

Migrate 2.6 Release Candidate 1

Features and enhancements

- #1998632 - Extend MigrateItemsXML to handle an array of XML files.
- #1990612 - Add a row status argument to MigrateException, allowing rows to
be cleanly skipped by throwing exceptions.
- #2017835 - Add MigrateFileUriAsIs file class, and make file migrations more
- #2004426 - UI support for editing dependencies; enable setting dependencies
through arguments.

Bug fixes

- #2025137 - Ignore --update in the presence of --idlist.
- #2023813 - Apply defaultValue() for empty XML values.
- #2023657 - Prevent duplicate aliases when updating nodes.
- #2021973 - Drush deregistration needs to handle mixed-case machine names.
- #2017443 - Properly hash XML source rows with track_changes on.
- #2020095 - Preserve arguments in legacy constructors.
- #2018841 - Default field handler needs to account for empty column
- #2016173 - Fix fatal error editing MigrationBase migrations.
- #2015327 - Remove broken automatic field mapping feature.
- #2014849 - Make sure statistics properly default to 0.
- #2011024 - Wildcard groups/tasks in the menu hierarchy, saving the need to
rebuild menus when migrations are registered/deregistered.
- #2010884 - Clean up empty default groups on dbupdate.
- #2004296 - Enforce map/message table names with prefixes.
- #2009222 - Properly update map/message tables on a non-default connection.
- #2006158 - Fix warnings on default field handler fields().
- #1999918 - Move permissions to core Migrate module.
- #1999290 - Check that an XMLMigration has actually populated $row->xml.

Migrate 2.6 Beta 1

Features and enhancements

- #1826112 - A new API has been added to support external modules in developing
easy-to-use wizard-based UIs.
- #1833380 - Major refactoring of the UI, breaking groups and migrations
(tasks) into separate pages, introducing an advanced permission and
presenting a simplified UI to those with only the basic permission.
- #1860450 - The UI now has the capability of spawning import/rollback operations
in drush, with email notifications of completion. The notification
ability is available when running drush at the command line, which
may be useful for running imports via cron.
- #1996602 - A default field handler is now provided that should handle many if
not most field types without custom handlers.
- #1901980 - Support encrypting particular arguments saved to the database, to
support wizard implementations that may be prompting for secure
database credentials.
- #1896096 - Add ability to define field mappings via arguments at registration
time, and use those to override mappings in code.
- #1961620 - When editing field mappings, allow destination or source fields to
be explicitly set DNM.
- #1996280 - Allow all field/subfields/options to be edited, and indent
subfields/options to make the relationship more clear.
- #1996350 - Allow sourceMigration to be edited.
- #1996736 - Add support for hook_migrate_api_alter().
- #1984568 - Add setters to enable constructing migrations according to a
dependency injection pattern.
- #1835822 - Hash source rows to detect changes.
- #1975180 - Explicitly check dependency existence so missing dependencies aren't
reported as circular.
- #1984534 - Updating/cleanup of examples to reflect current best practices.
- #1972600 - Add getter for the MigrateXMLReader member of MigrateSourceXML.
- #1856694 - Allow disabling of uri encoding.
- #1835142 - Add names-only option to drush ms command.
- #1892296 - Increase time limit for batch UI migrations.
- #1839644 - Groups have been extended to record titles and arguments in the db.
- #1896920 - Remove auto-registration, and make static registration expicit.
- #1928956 - Clean up registration/instantiation chicken-and-egg problems, by
supporting consistent constructor arguments.
- #1550878 - Added UI for deregistering migrations, including one-button
deregistration of orphans.
- #1792894 - Remove empty field values, permitting proper defaulting.
- #1903236 - Allow reset of migrate_migrations() cache.
- #1894344 - Support warn_on_override for bulk unmigrated methods.
- #1886404 - Allow subfields to be mapped before primary fields.

Bug fixes

- #1989012 - Support preserve_files for MigrateFileFid.
- #1982564 - Properly handle messages for ignored rows.
- #1989022 - Strip HTML tags from drush fields output.
- #1988008 - Restore group dependency support.
- #1985750 - Add missing prepareRollback/completeRollback for file destinations.
- #1978702 - Check highwater marks against the starting highwater.
- #1974216 - Change field mapping table PK to a simple serial column.
- #1977578 - Bad exception handling in MigrateDestinationTableCopy.
- #1973030 - Handle zero-valued timestamps properly.
- #1973092 - Fix preservation of sourceMigration when editing mappings.
- #1968358 - Prevent unnecessary reimport when using track_changes.
- #1968014 - Fix menu notices on task list page.
- #1967946 - Missing check on existence of mapping.
- #1849350 - Make sure encoding of uris doesn't break query strings.
- #1844316 - Ensure rollback_action is added to all map tables.
- #1913462 - Fix update functions returning arrays.
- #1831940 - Allow empty string source keys in handleSourceMigration().
- #1896042 - Fix incorrect usage of originalQuery.
- #1954936 - Allow overriding source count in isComplete.
- #1952430 - Prevent bogus "no error provided" messages.
- #1931168 - Properly cache class info in _migrate_class_list().
- #1900914 - Disable email with no custom mail system configured.
- #1901648 - Missing bundle property on file migrations.
- #1885362 - Make access callback explicit, to avoid conflict with admin_views.
- #1880512 - Strip tags from descriptions on drush migrate-mappings.
- #1872446 - Properly handle updates on role migration.
- #1871764 - Pass zero values through handleSourceMigration.
- #1839534 - Handle missing chunk separator in MigrateItemFile.
- #1854382 - Prevent duplicate terms due to leading/trailing spaces.
- #1794236 - Namespace detail pages within menu system.
- #1836426 - Proper check on activeUrl for multiple XML files.

Created by: mikeryan
Created on: 19 Dec 2014 at 15:57 UTC
Last updated: 2 Aug 2018 at 04:56 UTC

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