
Works with Drupal: 7.x

Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies


Download migrate-7.x-2.7.tar.gztar.gz 318.51 KB
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SHA-1: 3fea7c53e94fc0816b90720b1ad8dc1a950a2402
SHA-256: ccf2495bbf322f7ed5baf7a3fd6927eb7a14f71df16adbd47ae4387edaa0e79d
Download migrate-7.x-2.7.zipzip 373.19 KB
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SHA-1: e42ade47b7f768650d43b00a829db5143922cb3b
SHA-256: d95cf5c62c0c09bc48d420081ec61ab323438f13b35f6dbc45c5c8086c044491

Release notes

Migrate 2.7

Bug fixes

- #2415597 - Make batching of SQL sources optional, and force map_joinable FALSE.

Migrate 2.7 Release Candidate 1

Features and enhancements

- #2296911 - Add a source handler for IBM DB2.
- #2256761 - Add a destination handler for variables.
- #2047815 - Support multi-column source keys in idlist.
- #1751438 - Add spreadsheet source plugin.

Bug fixes

- #2403593 - SQL batching messes up cases with altered queries, such as idlist.
- #2298969 - Verify wizard validation function exists.
- #2268863 - Fix drush --all option.
- #2410523 - Remove inconsistent escaping of migrate_drush_path.

Migrate 2.6


Migration developers will need to add the "advanced migration information"
permission to their roles to continue seeing all the info in the UI they're
used to.

Auto-registration (having classes be registered just based on their class name,
with no call to registerMigration or definition in hook_migrate_api()) is no
longer supported. Registration of classes defined in hook_migrate_api() is no
longer automatic - do a drush migrate-register or use the Register button in the
UI to register them.

Migration class constructors should now always accept an $arguments array as
the first parameter and pass it to its parent. This version does support legacy
migrations which pass a group object, or nothing, but these methods are

Features and enhancements

- #2390229 - Make literal strings monolithic.
- #2391789 - Add extender getter to better support extending wizards.
- #2363015 - Add support for modifying wizards defined by other modules.
- #2353527 - Add getter/setter for trackLastImported.
- #2302929 - Explicitly count IDs for JSON source counts.
- #2296187 - Batch MigrateSQLSource queries.
- #2260211 - Allow skipping of file contents in MigrateListFiles.
- #2259089 - Display actual query for SQL sources.
- #2224297 - Destination handler for custom blocks.
- #2370677 - Add removeStep() method to Wizard API.
- #2306953 - Give basic users a little more information.
- #2261357 - Add prepareCallback/completeCallback to table destination.
- #2306923 - Propagate message statuses to drupal_set_message in batch.
- #2301679 - Display all source key fields in the message view.
- #2312075 - Add --ignore-highwater option to drush imports
- #1961316 - Get data from all XML namespaces
- #1298724 - Add a node revision destination plugin.
- #1890610 - Add a MongoDB source plugin
- #2065295 - Add ability to disable other module's hooks during migration.
- #2051547 - Add ability to revert UI-defined field mappings.
- #1998632 - Extend MigrateItemsXML to handle an array of XML files.
- #1990612 - Add a row status argument to MigrateException, allowing rows to
be cleanly skipped by throwing exceptions.
- #2017835 - Add MigrateFileUriAsIs file class, and make file migrations more
- #2004426 - UI support for editing dependencies; enable setting dependencies
through arguments.
- #1826112 - A new API has been added to support external modules in developing
easy-to-use wizard-based UIs.
- #1833380 - Major refactoring of the UI, breaking groups and migrations
(tasks) into separate pages, introducing an advanced permission and
presenting a simplified UI to those with only the basic permission.
- #1860450 - The UI now has the capability of spawning import/rollback operations
in drush, with email notifications of completion. The notification
ability is available when running drush at the command line, which
may be useful for running imports via cron.
- #1996602 - A default field handler is now provided that should handle many if
not most field types without custom handlers.
- #1901980 - Support encrypting particular arguments saved to the database, to
support wizard implementations that may be prompting for secure
database credentials.
- #1896096 - Add ability to define field mappings via arguments at registration
time, and use those to override mappings in code.
- #1961620 - When editing field mappings, allow destination or source fields to
be explicitly set DNM.
- #1996280 - Allow all field/subfields/options to be edited, and indent
subfields/options to make the relationship more clear.
- #1996350 - Allow sourceMigration to be edited.
- #1996736 - Add support for hook_migrate_api_alter().
- #1984568 - Add setters to enable constructing migrations according to a
dependency injection pattern.
- #1835822 - Hash source rows to detect changes.
- #1975180 - Explicitly check dependency existence so missing dependencies aren't
reported as circular.
- #1984534 - Updating/cleanup of examples to reflect current best practices.
- #1972600 - Add getter for the MigrateXMLReader member of MigrateSourceXML.
- #1856694 - Allow disabling of uri encoding.
- #1835142 - Add names-only option to drush ms command.
- #1892296 - Increase time limit for batch UI migrations.
- #1839644 - Groups have been extended to record titles and arguments in the db.
- #1896920 - Remove auto-registration, and make static registration expicit.
- #1928956 - Clean up registration/instantiation chicken-and-egg problems, by
supporting consistent constructor arguments.
- #1550878 - Added UI for deregistering migrations, including one-button
deregistration of orphans.
- #1792894 - Remove empty field values, permitting proper defaulting.
- #1903236 - Allow reset of migrate_migrations() cache.
- #1894344 - Support warn_on_override for bulk unmigrated methods.
- #1886404 - Allow subfields to be mapped before primary fields.

Bug fixes

- #2391891 - idlist with XML source causes exception.
- #2314077 - Don't merge group dependencies into migration dependencies.
- #2392683 - Set vocabulary name (bundle) explicitly for term reference fields.
- #2266395 - Check for valid picture file saving users.
- #2225551 - Add field validation to entity destination plugins.
- #2285966 - Added exception handling around constructors.
- #2370877 - Fix reloading of wizard steps after first.
- #2358767 - Topological sort to help avoid false circular dependency errors.
- #2019193 - Properly handle destination DNM status on field mapping save.
- #2250081 - Fix PostgreSQL failure updating node statistics on comments.
- #2157933 - Fix PostgreSQL error with empty source migrations.
- #2177313 - Make sure reused file entities are saved to pick up field changes.
- #2352971 - Treat empty default values as NULL in field mapping editor.
- #2347205 - Explicitly default the language for terms.
- #2307599 - Notice for non-advanced users on rollback.
- #2305105 - Remove pedantically-deprecated hyphens.
- #2325237 - Handle language arrays for file fields.
- #2258909 - Use migrated languages for file fields.
- #2323605 - Handle single-parent terms properly.
- #2313495 - Handle multilingual path aliases.
- #2261227 - Fixed missing subfields on edit mapping form.
- #2154385 - Add file/line context to source plugin exceptions.
- #2190255 - Remove duplicate warnings on missing XML source.
- #2129609 - Remove warnings on MS SQL counts.
- #2109931 - Pass drush global options to subprocess.
- #2236279 - Prevent ignore_case from causing created terms to be lower-cased.
- #2104149 - Sanity-check decrypted arguments.
- #2047523 - Consistently document destination handler fields() implementations.
- #2244759 - Rollback migrations in proper (reverse) order in UI.
- #2184641 - Make saveHighwater() work with PostgreSQL.
- #2076035 - Properly check key values in saveMessage().
- #2076035 - Validate that term names are not empty.
- #2225809 - Use proper API for registering wizard classes.
- #2105037 - Expose nid/uid destinations when is_new is on.
- #2145213 - Add SQLMap constructor documentation.
- #2213033 - Add batch callback documentation.
- #2095829 - Remove all variables on uninstall.
- #2072721 - Proper title for migrate_example_baseball feature.
- #1999228 - Removed AJAX from field mapping form for performance.
- #2237755 - Fix activeUrl handling in JSON source.
- #2237891 - Use drupal_register_shutdown_function().
- #2141409 - Handle drush spawning when Drupal in subdirectory.
- #2191335 - Remove unused columns from CSV source row.
- #2210533 - Properly pass directory by reference.
- #2141569 - Explicitly create group in baseball example.
- #2159291 - Add message for missing argument to drush migrate-messages.
- #2019193 - Fix unsetting of DNM source fields through the UI.
- #2227061 - Fix to subfields in a multi-value context.
- #2170177 - Properly handle multi-value fields when a subfield is mapped first.
- #2120205 - Fix bug when upgrading lastimported from D6 to D7.
- #2109821 - Handle multi-value subfields in the default field handler.
- #2039649 - Smarter setting of file 'type' field.
- #2106925 - Fix machine_name generation for legacy migrations.
- #2102087 - Don't pass --group to drush subprocess.
- #2099585 - Enable group option on drush migrate-stop.
- #2088255 - Eliminate notices on migrate_map_hash with track_changes.
- #2014849 - Make sure (again) statistics properly default to 0.
- #2042535 - Properly set file_usage for user pictures.
- #2060631 - Fix notices on poll vote import.
- #2049689 - Empty values for node is_new caused SQL errors.
- #2042399 - Node import did not respect revision flag.
- #2034885 - For XML sources, don't override values populated in prepareRow().
- #2041267 - Handle lack of potential dependencies on edit page.
- #2040101 - Breadcrumbs in migration UI missing sections
- #2033947 - Empty migration display names when matching group names.
- #2037265 - Static migrations were not registered on module enable.
- #2021457 - Coding standard improvements for
- #2030559 - Add deprecation messages for arguments().
- #1854382 - Fix handling of terms with leading spaces.
- #2025137 - Ignore --update in the presence of --idlist.
- #2023813 - Apply defaultValue() for empty XML values.
- #2023657 - Prevent duplicate aliases when updating nodes.
- #2021973 - Drush deregistration needs to handle mixed-case machine names.
- #2017443 - Properly hash XML source rows with track_changes on.
- #2020095 - Preserve arguments in legacy constructors.
- #2018841 - Default field handler needs to account for empty column
- #2016173 - Fix fatal error editing MigrationBase migrations.
- #2015327 - Remove broken automatic field mapping feature.
- #2014849 - Make sure statistics properly default to 0.
- #2011024 - Wildcard groups/tasks in the menu hierarchy, saving the need to
rebuild menus when migrations are registered/deregistered.
- #2010884 - Clean up empty default groups on dbupdate.
- #2004296 - Enforce map/message table names with prefixes.
- #2009222 - Properly update map/message tables on a non-default connection.
- #2006158 - Fix warnings on default field handler fields().
- #1999918 - Move permissions to core Migrate module.
- #1999290 - Check that an XMLMigration has actually populated $row->xml.
- #1989012 - Support preserve_files for MigrateFileFid.
- #1982564 - Properly handle messages for ignored rows.
- #1989022 - Strip HTML tags from drush fields output.
- #1988008 - Restore group dependency support.
- #1985750 - Add missing prepareRollback/completeRollback for file destinations.
- #1978702 - Check highwater marks against the starting highwater.
- #1974216 - Change field mapping table PK to a simple serial column.
- #1977578 - Bad exception handling in MigrateDestinationTableCopy.
- #1973030 - Handle zero-valued timestamps properly.
- #1973092 - Fix preservation of sourceMigration when editing mappings.
- #1968358 - Prevent unnecessary reimport when using track_changes.
- #1968014 - Fix menu notices on task list page.
- #1967946 - Missing check on existence of mapping.
- #1849350 - Make sure encoding of uris doesn't break query strings.
- #1844316 - Ensure rollback_action is added to all map tables.
- #1913462 - Fix update functions returning arrays.
- #1831940 - Allow empty string source keys in handleSourceMigration().
- #1896042 - Fix incorrect usage of originalQuery.
- #1954936 - Allow overriding source count in isComplete.
- #1952430 - Prevent bogus "no error provided" messages.
- #1931168 - Properly cache class info in _migrate_class_list().
- #1900914 - Disable email with no custom mail system configured.
- #1901648 - Missing bundle property on file migrations.
- #1885362 - Make access callback explicit, to avoid conflict with admin_views.
- #1880512 - Strip tags from descriptions on drush migrate-mappings.
- #1872446 - Properly handle updates on role migration.
- #1871764 - Pass zero values through handleSourceMigration.
- #1839534 - Handle missing chunk separator in MigrateItemFile.
- #1854382 - Prevent duplicate terms due to leading/trailing spaces.
- #1794236 - Namespace detail pages within menu system.
- #1836426 - Proper check on activeUrl for multiple XML files.

Created by: mikeryan
Created on: 9 Feb 2015 at 22:37 UTC
Last updated: 2 Aug 2018 at 04:56 UTC

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