Screenshot showing media delete confirm form


Media file delete gives content editors the option to delete the associated file when deleting a media entity.


  • Give content editors the option to delete the associated file when deleting a media entity
  • Prevents deletion if the file is in use in other locations
  • Prevents deletion if the user does not have access
  • Adds a new 'delete any file' permission, allowing power-users to bypass core's You can only delete files you own behaviour
  • Optional support for the Entity Usage module when determining if the file is in use. Enable the Media File Delete Entity Usage sub-module to turn this functionality on. This will allow you to prevent deletion if there are uses of the file not tracked by core's File usage API e.g. direct links in body fields to the file.


  • Download and install the module like normal
  • Optionally grant the 'delete any file' permission to users
  • Delete a media item, and note the confirmation form


Requires the Media and File modules from core.

Known problems

Please use the issue queue to report issues.

Similar modules

  • File delete however this doesn't delete the file immediately, instead it relies on garbage collection
Supporting organizations: 

Project information
