As you may know ,, Workflow module has the option to log the operations in watchdog with default limitation and time expiry ,, so this can't be a real log to get details!

Another option to log your Workflow actions is to individually in a node's workflow history.

With Event log you can log everything(Node, User, Menu, Taxonomy .. etc) with its submodules in one place! but couldn't find a submodule to log Workflow detailed operations! so here we go!

This submodule is depending on Event log module which keep tracking a log for any update made by Workflow module.



Nothing really! just enable the module then if you want to see the log you can find workflow log under this ID workflow_update if you need to filter your a result or a view with it .. and the node ID in the ID.


  • Log comments in 'INFO' column.
  • Must Log Node Object somewhere other than a text in a path!
  • Replace Sid's with the State name in the Desc. log
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