EditionGuard Drupal

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

What is EditionGuard

This module creates a bridge with EditionGuard allowing you to add books and create transactions.

Important Note
This module provides 2 entities (EditionGuard book and EditionGuard transaction) and a custom
field (EditionGuard field).


1. Navigate to Administration > Structure > EditionGuard books
2. Click on Add EditionGuard book
3. Add a book
4. Navigate to Administration > Structure > EditionGuard books > Create Transaction
5. Add a transaction

This process can be automated but requires a bit of coding. You can view the method used
in https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_editionguard to bridge customer orders with
EditionGuard books by creating programmatically new transactions and making them available
to the user end.

Check src/Form/TransactionCreateForm.php for example usage of the API.


You will need to have the EditionGuard API module installed and configured.


rh_editionguard_book - Adds compatibility with the rabbit_hole module

Related Modules

  • EditionGuard API
  • Commerce EditionGuard

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