This module provide display field types used only in "display" mode.

  • The UI are located in the entity type: display settings form additional settings tabs.
  • The display fields are build and cached within the entity content like the regular fields.
  • The weight and display settings are set on the entity display settings form like the regular fields.


- Create a second display instance of a field with her own formatter and display settings. (So you have your big image and small image without preprocessing, the summary + the content, the map + the address, etc..).
- Embed a view, set the display, provide values for arguments from the context (the entity being displayed). Example: list of blog post for a homepage of a blog.
- Render the fields from an entity reference field, with deep referencing (more than 1 level, you do what you want) and with default custom settings (default field types formatter and options).

This module provide a pluginManager to handle extra DisplayFields type.

This module is compatible with Display Suite and Field groups

This module can not be used in production for the moment.

Supporting organizations: 
Time for the initial development of this module back in 2014/2015

Project information
