Feature Request:

  • Move all Chaos Tool Suite help documentation to the D.O. documentation system, updating existing, non-D.O. documentation content with links to these docs as they are moved.


  • Having to update User Docs in two, or more, places is counterproductive.
  • Many of the open requests for documentation are 5+ years old, with zero activity.

Other considerations:

  • More globally useful for the standard user base,
  • Creates better documentation through more hands approach, and
  • Makes maintainers time spent more productive.


Michael-IDA’s picture

Michael-IDA created an issue.

I tired to find most of the related issues, please add the existing child issues I missed.

A listing of all existing, non-D.O. documentation is also needed.

- Advanced Help

Probably need to add it to the bottom of the issue itself, so it can be easily found and all inclusive.