
This module integrates the inserthtml4x CKEditor plugin for Drupal 8.

It provides a simple dialog to insert HTML directly from the editing area into the source code at the point selected in the editor.

A common use case would be to assist content administrators who may need to paste code snippets or embed code from third party services, but are not comfortable working directly in source code.


  • CKEditor Module (Core)


Install via Composer (recommended)

If you use Composer to manage dependencies, edit composer.json as follows.

  • Run composer require --prefer-dist composer/installers to ensure you have the composer/installers package. This facilitates installation into directories other than vendor using Composer.
  • In composer.json, make sure the "installer-paths" section in "extras" has an entry for "type:drupal-library". For example:
      "libraries/{$name}": ["type:drupal-library"]
  • Add the following to the "repositories" section of composer.json:
      "type": "package",
      "package": {
        "name": "ckeditor/inserthtml4x",
        "version": "2.0.0",
        "type": "drupal-library",
        "extra": {
          "installer-name": "ckeditor/plugins/inserthtml4x"
        "dist": {
          "url": "",
          "type": "zip"
  • Run composer require 'ckeditor/inserthtml4x:2.0.0' to download the plugin.
  • Run composer require 'drupal/ckeditor_inserthtml:^1.0.0' to download the CKEditor InsertHTML module, and enable it as per usual.

Install Manually

  • Download the inserthtml4x CKEditor plugin.
  • Extract and place the plugin contents in the following directory:
  • Download and install the CKEditor InsertHTML module as per usual.


  • Go to 'Text formats and editors' (admin/config/content/formats).
  • Click 'Configure' for any text format using CKEditor as the text editor.
  • Configure your CKEditor toolbar to include the Insert HTML button.


  • If 'Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML' is enabled, note that code entered via the Insert HTML dialog will be filtered according to the allowed tags. If code is disappearing, it's most likely due to the allowed tags configuration.
  • This project only handles the bridge between inserthtml4x and Drupal. For support of the plugin itself, please use their project page.

Project information
