Are you planning on making a release, or just dev snapshots? The module seemed to work for me, btw. I was trying to use the petition module, and it works after using this and making the small changes as the documentation suggests.


EvanDonovan’s picture

Title: a release? » Release timeline/maintainership
Category: support » task
Priority: Normal » Critical

Sorry for not replying to this sooner. I actually took over this module at douggreen's request, when I took over maintainership of the CiviCRM Subscribe module.

Unfortunately, that means I am not familiar with the intended use case of the module, and have not tested it myself yet. Neither is this module necessary for the 6.x release of CiviCRM Subscribe, which I plan to make soon.

I would actually prefer to give maintainership of this module to someone else who is using the module, since they would be more familiar with it, and can test it. Otherwise, I would have to learn from you how to set up a D6 + CiviCRM install to test to see if patches to it work, etc.

So my request would be that either you or fen, or someone else who is actively using the module, would take over maintainership. In order to do this you would have to apply for a CVS account, if you didn't have one already:, and specify in your application that you wish to take over maintainership of the CiviCRM 2.0 Compatibility module. Then I would comment on your application saying I approve, and hopefully, it would soon be approved. Finally, then, I would add you to the project as a maintainer.

If you already have a CVS account, then you could just contact me via the Contact form with what it is, and I would add you as a maintainer.

If none of you are willing to take on this responsibility, that's fine - but I've been very busy since getting married, and haven't had a chance yet to get up to speed on this module. So any help that you could provide would be appreciated.

EvanDonovan’s picture

Title: Release timeline/maintainership » Seeking new maintainer/decision on deprecating module

As I stated on the updated project page for this module, it is no longer required for the updated version of CiviCRM Subscribe, which I just released.

However, I have released two alphas of this module (one for 6.x & one for 5.x, though the code is the same, since this module essentially just adds new functions to act as a compatibility layer).

I believe for several reasons that this module should actually be obseleted:

1) Few modules that depend on it: As far as I'm aware, only CiviNode and Send. Of those, CiviNode has only 4.7 and 5.x releases, with the 5.x release having only about 9 reported users according to Update Status. I have posted the following issue to the Send queue asking if it is still required for CiviCRM compatibility in the latest version of Send, which at least has >500 users in 6.x, plus a few hundred in 5.x: #922730: Status of CiviCRM API Compatibility?.

If it is still required for Send, I will request that they work to migrate to the new API, since it has been 2 years at least since CiviCRM 2.0's release.

2) Variance between the internal details of CiviCRM versions > 2.0: this is, I believe, what is causing problems on #365962: crm_create_activity_history.patch. Dealing with all the special cases of CiviCRM's internal implementation would be a nightmare. Better to upgrade to their new external-facing APIs in all the modules that use them.

3) The impending EOL for Drupal 5.x: this module is primarily useful, AFAIK, for people still on 5.x. However, as soon as 7.x is released, 5.x will be at end-of-life, so people should upgrade to 6.x. This will have great benefits for CiviCRM users as well, since the more recent versions are much more feature rich.

For the above-mentioned reasons, I am not interested in continuing maintainership of this module. In fact, I would like to mark it as "Obsolete", although if a new maintainer took over, they could change that.

EvanDonovan’s picture

Title: Seeking new maintainer/decision on deprecating module » Seeking new maintainer

I have created an alpha1 for the people who are still using this module. I would like to transfer ownership to a new maintainer, though.

If no new maintainer steps up, I will mark this module as obsolete as of Jan. 1st.