I'm contemplating using Drupal for my town's official web site. I would like to have each user (person) have their own login, but would like some equivalency or grouping of users.

For example, there might be three people in the Accounting office. Let's say the people are Jane, Bob, and Mike. Let's say there's a book on Accounting Procedures. I would want Jane, Bob, and Mike to be able to add/edit any page within that book - no matter which of them created the page.

I would not want Joe from the Highway Department to be able to edit the Accounting Procedures pages, but he might have a book on Highway Procedures shared with Gail.

Some people are members of multiple departments. Bill might be part of both the Highway Department and Buildings Department.

I could use shared logins (Accounting, Highway) but prefer to use individual logins for security and other reasons. I'm using books as the example here as I think most site pages will be within books, but there would be similar needs to share editing responsibilities of other content items.

All pages would be viewable by everyone, including anonymous users.

Any suggestions on how to approach this?


samc’s picture


Simple Access for one should do what you need.

pwolanin’s picture

Take a look at the taxonomy-based access control modules too. The best choice will probably depend upon how many deifferent departments you'll have. For your description above, maybe TAC_lite would be more suitable.

Work: BioRAFT

Mitch Cohen’s picture

I've taken a look (and installed) each of these two modules - TAC Lite and Simple Access. Near as I can tell, both seem to be related strictly to controlling read access.

While I may have some use for grouping read access at some point, what I really need is group write/edit access. In simple terms, to relate edit ability of a node (and subnodes) to more than one users but not all users.

If I'm missing something in either of these modules (where write-access grouping is possible) I'd appreciate a hint in the right direction.


Mitch Cohen’s picture

I've since tried the full Taxonomy Access Control, which I thought would give me the control I need. Almost, but not quite. I can't seem to get a member of a group the ability to add new content to a book (which we'll use extensively). The mechanism for configuration is also quite complex - we'll likely have 20-30 sections of the site, each with their own set of content managers. That's a LOT of configuration. Also, each new page defaults to null categories while they really should inherit the category setup.

Drupal is almost perfect. The other CMSs I've reviewed don't come close in most accounts. So it's a matter of deciding to stick with Drupal and hope authorized users behave themselves or continuing the search...

Any suggestions/pointers are greatly appreciated.