
I'd like to create a contact page, where visitors can send e-mail to the webmaster, using a form, without its e-mail adresse being displayed.

Is it possible to do it easily with drupal ?

Thx in advance

Antoine Tissier


Cromicon’s picture

The feedback module does that. :)

jwilde’s picture

Contact is part of drupal core. It enables the use of both personal and site-wide contact forms. Look in modules section of your site to enable it.


tonio78’s picture

Thx ! It helped me a lot.

Fanny’s picture

Also u can create block and paste in it some php/html code. For ex.:

<form method="post" action="zayavka">
    <p align="left">&nbsp;Name: <input name="Name" /> <br />Last name: <input name="FName" /> 
    <select name="type">
    <option selected="selected" value="avia">Avia</option>
    <option value="train">Train</option>
    </select><br /></p>
    <p><input type="submit" value="Send" name="Submit" /> </p>

And also u did created page "zayavka" which, for ex.:

$headers = "From: mail@mail.ru\r\nContent-type: text/html";
$message = "WARNING! Name:".$_POST[Name]."<br />Family: ".$_POST['FName']."Type:".$_POST['type']";
mail("mail@mail.ru", $message,$headers);

Sorry, i can get some errors in " or .

Dries’s picture

Better to use the contact or feedback module because it implements a number of tricks to prevent abuse (header injection, a throttle mechanism, e-mail address validation, permission checks). Also, the contact form can be extended with captcha's if you want to prevent contact form spam ...

Fanny’s picture

my method apply create fully customizing forms. =)