In a previous post I asked how to display a list of articles (as in Story pages) that I was creating. I got great feedback. However, the module help is a bit lacking once I downloaded and played around.

I've got it installed, however after that I don't know what exactly to DO with it, as I further clarified in my replies to the help in the last posting I made.

I don't really understand how to link the story entries I've created to this Article module, whatever it might do. I have the stories allegedly under the "Articles" taxonomy I created (I do, actually, because right now I'm using a direct link from my menu to my Articles vocabulary). But what next? What exactly am I supposed to magically do with Articles Module? What brilliant line of code do I belch out to get my menu to link to my articles via Article module? Other modules have little help notes and sub sections you can browse, but I'm coming up with nothing on Article.

All I'd like is list of my story entries, by date entered, title only. No excerpts, nothing else. If I could break it down into the three assigned Terms under the Vocabulary, then by date, that'd be super but at this point I just want to know what I have to kick, type or set fire to for the Articles module? Please?

I know everyone here seems to be about 22 levels more advanced than this, and it's possible that I'm just asking too simple of a question to get answered. I don't know. But I'm hoping there's someone who might stumble across this and be able to bridge the gap between uberdrupal user and ohmygodhelpme*sobbing* for me. Everything I've searched on for this issue has been at least 10 levels more advanced than what I'm looking at (and I hate them all for getting it to work somehow).


libre fan’s picture

I'm a newbie too. To display just the minimum I'd say use the "break" code that shows up in the help bit when you preview your post, and insert it just below your title.

Of course there must be a better way but at least this should work.
Libres-Ailé(e)s (Association for Linux and free software)

sepeck’s picture

Turn on menu module. Add your link to the articles url that you want. Not having used Articles module I can't be more specific. This has been updated for 4.7 already but it is substantially the same. In any case, your local install has the help module on menu with much the same information.

You may now be able to refine your quesiton a bit now.

I also tentativly suggest if you check out Views module. Preferably the Views with a 4.7 install. It has some features that will probably be of immense help this early in your sites development. I know you;ve just gotten started with 4.6 and I don;t know your schedule so you will ned to decide.

-Steven Peck
Test site, always start with a test site.
Drupal Best Practices Guide -|- Black Mountain

-Steven Peck
Test site, always start with a test site.
Drupal Best Practices Guide

That70sHeidi’s picture

Drupal may drive me insane.

I just upgraded to 4.7 via Fantastico and... it's... kinda working. I wish I had a screen shot of it before, because I haven't changed anything, link-wise, but the results are completely different.

Before it listed letters, then simply linked titles in alphabetical order:


Another win!

Kids inspired by medal

Olympic Bronze
Olympic Victory

United States Wins

That type of thing.

Now.... well, Look and see! I'm confounded. Not only is it more or less what I wanted, it's in date order like I wanted too (although reverse).

The problem BEING I don't know what exactly DID it. I'd like to tweak it a little, make the H2 font size a wee bit smaller (I presume that's the bluemarine css?), show the dates beside each category listing (where it says "Olympics" I'd like the date next to that) and resort in reverse date order (most recent at the bottom). But not knowing how I got it this way, I'm afraid to touch it. And I don't know where to touch it anyway!

I might get rid of the excerpts too. Which I'm wavering on because it's a hook to show a fun or unique quote from the article, which most articles all steal from Associated Press anyway, so they repeat a lot. But on the other hand, it's taking up room in such a listing. But on the other other hand, if I change the H2 size smaller, more will fit on the page, but on the other other other hand, I would like to get rid of the Page 1 and Page 2 and just have all articles list infinitely long down ONE page. Because I love my fellow fans, but not everyone is smart enough to find the next page....

The only module I've reinstalled is Quotes, so it looks like Taxonomy has GOT to be doing this, right? If I reinstall NodeList, I'll go back to the alphabetical title only lists? Article module isn't even installed.

bdillahu’s picture

I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I've been pulling my hair out on the Article module also. The one missing (for me) fact was that once its loaded and working (instructions fine there), the link you are looking for is:


Not articles that I kept trying. It won't show in the menu by itself... Just use the article (after using admin->settings->article and choosing a vocabulary) and there it was.

Maybe that will help somebody.

AlanT’s picture

I appreciate all of the help that everyone is giving on this matter.

At the moment, I've got about 40 articles entered onto my site in a taxonomy called Articles, with several terms that describe the subcategories of the articles.

I've added a Primary link that points to "article" and it works great.

So far, (from the first page) this appears to be doing exactly what I want it to do, except that when I click one of the pagination links at the bottom of the page, all I get is a blank page.

Basically, all Drupal is outputting is

<html> <head></head><body></body></html>

Is this a bug in the code, or is there something I missed in the configuration settings?

From what I'm reading at the site here, it appears that I could do pretty much the same thing with the Views module, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it. You'd think that there would be some basic views that I could import, such as a replacement for the Articles module, but there're nowhere to be found.

Any suggestions?

- Alan Tutt

- Alan Tutt

Exceptional Personal Development for Exceptional People