drupal 4.6.4

I've lost my NAV bar and can't get to the login page.
can anyone tell me how to get to the login page using the URL?

please help.



reviep’s picture

Use ?q=user after your URL to get the login page.


sjames’s picture

thanks. that worked well!

kinnth’s picture

good stuff thanks for that!

rolandpish’s picture

I actually disabled the login box, then logged out and tried what you suggested here:


and I always receive:

Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page.

Is there a login page or a node which shows the user and password box to log in manually?

Thanks in advance


rolandpish’s picture

Sorry, I answer myself.

I thought "user" in portion "?q=user" must be replaced by the actual username, so I was trying with "?q=admin".

Sorry, I could login succesfully.


divyasrinivasan’s picture

I installed the theme called virgo_zymphonies_theme, then logged out and trying to enter into the dashboard screen but i'm not getting the user login and password block to enter.

i tried this below url :


and i got a reply like :

Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page.

Thanks in advance


Tom22’s picture

I cannot access my login page either.

I had always been able to using the ?q=user method above at a number of my drupal sandbox implementations. It is not working now nor are any other of the attempts. My browser tab says "User account | mysitename"

I was able to change the theme to bartik and stark using drush but that did not help.
I've tried multiple browsers too.

Any suggestions on files I could edit or drush commands get me access to my site management ?

Luckily its a sandbox/under construction site.

Edit with additional info
one error I'm getting in a shell when I do things with drush (which are successful despite error message) is:
unlink(/usr/www/users/vpsusernam/mysite.com/sites/default/files/js/wysiwyg/wysiwyg_ckeditor_uWMoMQ7qlhtyf-cFJlMTazsAxhCeS88we KBiAtXujAQ.js):[warning]
I tried disabling the wysiwyg module but that didn't help

Tom22’s picture

I figured out how to use drush to solve the problem and the likely source of the problem

from command shell:
drush user-login

provides a one-time login http (which you need to change the "default" to "mysitename.com")
I pasted that in my browser, edited it, and it landed me logged in in the admin user section to create a new password.

Then I went to pages (i'm using panels everywhere) and put the login widgit on the front page footer.

I really thought that the Panels page layout settings only over-rode the tpls for a given theme... so it doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I'll figure that out later.