I'd love for author and category inforamation to appear with rss feed items. Right now, there's no way for rss readers to know who wrote what (either in blog entries or comments).

I tried the format_rss_item.patch, but I couldn't get cygwin to apply it. After adding the new lines myself, nothing seems broken, but nothing is improved.

I've spent a lot of time searching on this, because I figure this is something that a lot of people would be clamoring for. What am I missing? Thanks!



BlueNC’s picture

Rules of etiquette be damned, I'm bumping this question.

I'm sure I'm being lame, but I really have looked for an answer to this and I can't imagine that someone hasn't dealt with it before. I won't bump again, I promise, but if you're reading this and you even have hints, lemme know?

ngormley’s picture

I wrote this "author.module" for 4.6

/* $Id: .module,v 2005/05/25 04:28:59 unconed Exp $ */

 * Adds the author element to the RSS feed.

 * Implementation of author_help().
function rss_author_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'admin/modules#description':
      return t('Adds the author element to RSS feeds');

 * Implementation of author_nodeapi().
function rss_author_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $arg) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'rss item':
          return array(array('key' => 'author',
                'value' => $node->name

  return $output;