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In previous versions of Drupal, the CKEditor 5 (and previously 4) WYSIWYG editor did not respect the rows value in the field's widget settings (for 4 there is only ckeditorheight in contrib). With this change, CKEditor 5 will now show an approximation of the configured number of rows.

Note that rows is really a monospaced <textarea> concept, and only in that context can it work precisely. In the case of CKEditor 5, the line height of each line can be different — for example a subheading versus a paragraph, etc. The approximation algorithm Drupal applies to CKEditor 5 to make the rows setting apply approximately relies on a paragraph's line height and margin.

Manage form display form showing field widgets including row setting

Add article form showing a larger CKEditor interface that corresponds to the number of rows value

What to expect on your site

The default for text fields' widgets is rows=5, which looks like this

Screenshot of CKEditor 5 with a very short height
Screenshot of CKEditor 5 with a medium height
manage form display.png89.83 KB
add article.png75.5 KB
Site builders, administrators, editors
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Coder Review: 
Not done
Coder Upgrade: 
Not done
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