
I wonder if the panels team is open to accepting implementation of panels migration through the migrate framework.

Snapshot of code for Migrate Panels

migrate-panels provides a framework based on the Drupal Migrate API and Drupal Migrate D2D for migrating panels (pages,variants,layouts,panes) from Drupal 6, or Drupal 7 sites into the Drupal 7 site where it is installed.

This also include migration of Custom Content Panes, aka ctools_custom_content.

This migration framework also does Layout Migration (migrate one panel layout to another layout on theme upgrade)


chriscalip created an issue. See original summary.

chriscalip’s picture

Title: Panels Migration ( 6.x->7.x, 7.x -> 7.x ) » Panels Migration ("From 6.x to 7.x", "From 7.x to 7.x")