Inspired by Pierre.Vriens and his extensive Comparison of Charting modules, I wrote this extension on native charting modules that depend on the Highcharts library.

Used by tens of thousands of developers and 61 out of the world's 100 largest companies, Highcharts is the simplest yet most flexible charting API on the market.

Native charting modules are modules that support the creation of charts, but which do not depend on other modules to produce such charts. These modules may depend on other Drupal modules (e.g. the libraries module), but these other modules are not related to the charting features they offer. Typically these native charting modules use one or more charting related libraries (e.g. Highcharts, Google Charts, D3...)

In this book page we compare modules that depend on Highcharts.

  Easychart 7.x-3.7 / 8.x-3.4 HighchartTable 7.x-1.0-beta2 Charts 7.x-2.0-rc1 Highcharts 7.x-1.0-alpha6
latest release 2016-Oct-04 2015-Feb-13 2014-Mar-18 2012-Mar-26
module dependencies Libraries API, Views Libraries API Libraries API Libraries API, Universally Unique IDentifier, Views
library dependencies Highcharts, Easychart Highcharts, HighchartTable Highcharts Highcharts
supported Highcharts javascript library version (current realease 5.0.0) 5.0.0 ? 4.1.8 2.2.0
supported data formats csv-data (plain csv, pasted from MS Excel/LibreOffice/Numbers/Google Spreadsheet) html-table views data views data
implemented as views plugin/formatter - - Yes Yes
custom content type Yes - - -
wysiwyg-integration Yes (CKEditor, TinyMCE) Yes - -
url to data-file supported Yes - - -
available chart types line, spline, column, bar, area, areaspline, arearange, areasplinerange, pie, boxplot, bubble, columnrange, errorbar, funnel, scatter, gauge line, spline, column, bar, area or pie pie, bar, column, line, area, scatter area, areaspline, bar, column, line, pie, spline
special features
  • very comprehensive user interface
  • dynamic charts possible (through csv-data served from a url)
  • reusable charts, make a chart once and use it in many different nodes, manage them via the natural Drupal-way (admin/content)
  • configurable visual editor, nearly every single option in Highcharts is available
  • no coding needed at all
  • You can insert a chart above any numeric HTML table on any page with a single click. Whether the table was embedded into normal content using a WYSIWYG editor (CKeditor perhaps), produced by a Views plugin, a Webform results summary, it doesn't matter.
  • no coding needed


  • out of the box support for Google Charts and Highcharts
  • the module includes lots of example charts for you to reference when building your own charts or chart library integration.
demo ?