I originally posted this in the forum for the Entity Reference View Widget (here), but having gotten no response and after some further thinking, I feel it probably best belongs here.

So, I have two content types ("Artist" and "Collector") that I always relate to from a third content type called "Works of Art". When I add a new Work of Art, I reference both the Artist, and the Collector who owns the work.

          Work of Art
             /    \
           /        \
      Artist      Collector

I have no trouble with viewing all Works of Art from either the Artist or Collector pages...that's fine, and super simple/obvious. This issue is this:

I can't seem to pull in the field values from other children while in the context of a child from another reference type. In other words, I can't get the geocode values from Collector via the Artist page. I find this strange because when I list the Works of Art from the Artist page, I can group them by their Collector.

What I'm trying to do is have a map which shows all the locations of Works of Art from an Artist's page, but that geocode value isn't coming through.

I hope this is clear enough. Any help is greatly appreciated.


ryanbuckley@gmail.com’s picture

Hoping this isn't too complicated an idea. Perhaps this sort of feature is something unachievable with Entity Reference, and may in fact be possible with some other module? I've been looking around quite a bit though, and haven't had much luck with either figuring out this particular problem or finding another solution for it.

fluxline’s picture

you can solve this with views.
- create your view of type work of art, create a page or a pane if using panels, set format how you you want it to display
- under the advanced tab, relationships, set up 2 field entity relationships using the entity relation ship field, 1 for artist and 1 for collector
- you should then be able to pull in the fields you need for not only work of art, but artist and collector
- where ever you decide to show it, you might need to set up a context on the nid to only show the fields from the parent work of art node.