slick 8.x-2.11

Bug fixes

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2024-02-01
- Issue #3411048 by heddn: The definition for the sequence declares the type of
its items in a way that is deprecated in drupal:8.0.0.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-10-07
- Fixed for down arrow whitespace.

slick 8.x-2.10

Bug fixes
New features

2.10 is a major finalization work for 3.x and has breaking changes, please check out below:

slick 8.x-2.10-rc4

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-09-04
- Deprecated sliders lazy loads to avoid complication for just Blazy.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-08-30
- Update slick.api.php for blazy:2.17.

slick 8.x-2.10-rc2

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-08-02
- Fixed for Native Grid with grid chunks ala sliders.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-08-01
- Removed Slick UI option `Use theme_blazy()` into Blazy UI.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-07-31
- Simplified the notorious ID, only useful for machines, not themers.

slick 8.x-2.10-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-07-29
- Reduced more boilerplates.
- Updated deprecated admin service parameter.
- Added supports for SVG Image Field module.
- Re-purposed Slick Image with VEF (deprecated) formatter for SVG (WIP).

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-07-26
- Added image title for thumbnail captions.

slick 8.x-2.10-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-07-20
- Updated to Blazy:2.17.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-07-18
- Changed settings key to #settings, etc. to avoid leaks/ render errors, see CR:

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-07-14
- Update to blazy:2.17 admin form with Native Grid.
- Removed and cleaned out stone-age admin CSS for modern nativegrid.

slick 7.x-3.2

Bug fixes

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2023-07-06
- Issue #3354832 by harivansh: Undefined array key "skin_thumbnail" in

slick 7.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Slick 7.x-2.1-dev, 2023-07-06
- Issue #3354209 by vimal_nadar, lesleyfernandes: Undefined property:

Slick 7.x-2.1-dev, 2020-01-14
- Issue #3075018 by gausarts, drumm: Pin to specific library versions.

slick 8.x-2.9

Bug fixes
New features

Updated to Blazy 2.16 for D10 and Blazy breaking changes with drupal-check fixes.

slick 8.x-2.8

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2023-05-15
- Issue #3340509 by Anybody, gausarts, ericdsd, arnoldbird, ivnish:
Incompatibility with BigPipe?
- Issue #3333772 by jurgenhaas: Translation of aria labels breaks HTML.
- Upped minimum version to Blazy >= 2.14 to reduce compat issues.

slick 8.x-2.7

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2022-12-15
- Issue #3279333 by david.mcmeans: How to add breakpoints.
- Issue #3318321 by adaucyj, viniciuscosta: Use null coalesce operator instead
of ternary operator.

slick 8.x-2.7-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2022-05-28
- Updated SlickTextFormatter to extend BlazyTextFormatter.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2022-04-21
- Fixed for wrong room commit, should be #3272646.
- Issue #3272646 by hswong3i: Also Search `libraries/accessible360--accessible
- Updated to Blazy:2.10.

slick 8.x-2.7-alpha1

Bug fixes
New features

Updated to and required Blazy:2.10.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2022-04-21
- Fixed for hidden caption.
- Fixed for wrong room commit, should be #3272646.
- Issue #3272646 by hswong3i: Also Search `libraries/accessible360--accessible -slick`.
- Updated to Blazy:2.10.

slick 8.x-2.6

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2022-02-11
- Issue #3257390 by gausarts, crutch, uwe_mue, wrd-oaitsd: It is not possible to uninstall slick.
- Added SlickServiceProvider for D8 to D10 cross-compat.

slick 8.x-2.5

Bug fixes
New features

Drupal 10 ready.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2022-02-03
- Micro optimization: Modernizing PHP sections: null coalescing, destructuring.
- Reverted minimum requirements till D10 rules the entire world. Back to basic
dBlazy.once for now, etc.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2021-12-21
- Issue #3255266 by alexpott: Fix Slick entity information so entity doesn't not
change after install.

slick 8.x-2.3

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2021-04-12
- Issue #3123787 by thomas.frobieter, gausarts: Fix ROWS setting default value
& description (ROWS needs to be 0 instead of 1) / slick-slide has unnecessary
- Issue #3150641 by narendra.rajwar27, johnchque, Berdir, VVS: Slick media has a
key in system schema after being uninstalled
- Issue #3190390 by afagioli: Slick api example without markup
- Issue #3137067 by YahyaAlHamad, _kom__: Extra thumbnail after upgrade 8.x-2.1
>> 8.x-2.2

slick 7.x-3.1

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2020-01-13
- Issue #3075838 by volkerk, gausarts: Configuration translation disallowed HTML

slick 8.x-2.1

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2020-02-14
- Issue #3112913 by thalles, gausarts: Fix subclassing and stop overriding
constructors in slick\SlickManager.
- Issue #3113224 by thalles, gausarts: Fix subclassing and stop overriding
constructors in slick\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\SlickTextFormatter.
- Issue #3113230 by thalles, gausarts: Fix subclassing and stop overriding
constructors in slick\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\SlickEntityFormatterBase.

slick 8.x-2.0

Bug fixes
New features

Initial full release.

Notable changes since RC4:
- Issue #3088244 by aarnau, d70rr3s, igonzalez: [Regression]: Dots are not
assigned to the proper slick slider when multiple slick are on the page.
- Issue #3087078: Add new key core_version_requirement in info.yml

slick 8.x-2.0-rc4

Bug fixes
New features

Notable changes since RC3:

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2019-04-27
- Updated docs.
- Updated Ajaxin integration.
- Fixed for colorbox regression with indices due to the previous slick.colorbox
library weight change.

slick 7.x-3.0

Bug fixes
New features

Initial third release.

Migration is not supported, yet. Consider 3.x for new sites only.

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-04-27
- Updated docs.
- Updated Ajaxin integration.
- Fixed for colorbox regression with indices due to the previous slick.colorbox
library weight change.

slick 7.x-3.0-rc3

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-04-22
- Issue #3045487 by calbasi: Error: Class '\''Drupal\slick\SlickManager'\'' not
found in slick().

slick 8.x-2.0-rc3

New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2019-04-18
- Issue #3048629 by fskreuz: Add pauseOnFocus option.
- Added support for Ajaxin module preloader.
- Lowered slick.colorbox library weight.

slick 7.x-3.0-rc2

Bug fixes
New features

Updated to Blazy RC2.

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-04-01
- Fixes for slidesToShow > 1, centerMode, clones with Blazy IO.

slick 8.x-2.0-rc2

Bug fixes
New features

Updated to Blazy RC2.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2019-04-03
- Updated SlickManager::attach() parameter for Blazy RC2+.
- Fixes for slidesToShow > 1, centerMode, clones with Blazy IO.

slick 7.x-3.0-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

Initial RC.

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-03-30
- Updated to the latest Blazy 03/30.
- Removed Drupal.blazy.init.revalidate() for Drupal.blazy.init.load() as being
too expensive, also for IO compatibility.

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-03-23
- Added caption_attributes for easy preprocess overrides.
- Micro optimizations.
- Fixed for docs.

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-03-18
- Fixed for typos, and cleaned up TODOs.

slick 8.x-2.0-beta3

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2019-03-17
- Updated to the latest Blazy 2019-03-17 to reduce dups.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2019-03-15
- Added Slick::loadWithFallback(), and minor fixes.

slick 7.x-3.0-beta3

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-03-17
- Updated to the latest Blazy 2019-03-17 to reduce dups.

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-03-15
- Added Slick::loadWithFallback(), and minor fixes.

slick 8.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

Notable changes since beta1:

- Added isset check to Slick::getOptions().

slick 7.x-3.0-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

Notable changes since beta1:

- Added back deprecated functions to anticipate potential issues.
- Added isset check to Slick::getOptions().

slick 8.x-2.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Initial beta. Notable changes since Alpha and 1.x:

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2019-03-08
- Cleaned up deprecated VEF/ VEM from test files.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2019-03-07
- Made Slick and Slick UI extensible.

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2019-03-06
- Updated to the latest Blazy change 03-06 with BlazyAdminBase::openingForm().
- Added hook_slick_build_alter() to modify the entire slick outputs.

slick 7.x-3.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Initial beta. Notable changes since Alpha:

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-03-07
- Made Slick and Slick UI extensible.

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-03-06
- Renamed getOptionsetOptions() to getOptionsetByGroupOptions().
- Updated to the latest Blazy change 03-06 with BlazyAdminBase::openingForm().
- Added hook_slick_build_alter() to modify the entire slick outputs.

slick 8.x-2.0-alpha5

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 8.x-2.0-dev, 2019-03-06
- Updated to the latest Blazy change 03-06 with BlazyAdminBase::openingForm().
- Added hook_slick_build_alter() to modify the entire slick outputs.

slick 7.x-3.0-alpha4

Bug fixes
New features

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-03-06
- Updated to the latest Blazy change 03-06 with BlazyAdminBase::openingForm().
- Added hook_slick_build_alter() to modify the entire slick outputs.

Slick 7.x-3.0-dev, 2019-03-02
- Added proper check for captions for edge case settings hold old references to fields while they can be deleted anytime.

slick 8.x-2.0-alpha4

Bug fixes
New features

Notable changes since Alpha3:

  • Updated to the latest Blazy.
  • Removed SlickMediaFormatterBase as in TODO.

slick 7.x-3.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
New features

Notable changes since Alpha2:

  • Simplified CRUD methods.

slick 8.x-2.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
New features

Updated to the latest Blazy DEV 19/2 with core Media oEmbed.

slick 8.x-2.0-alpha2

Bug fixes
New features

Notable changes since Alpha1:
#3025835 by DrupalZone, thalles: Coding standards
#3025368 by thalles, oknate: Replace usages of the deprecated drupal_set_message() function
#3025321 by thalles: Use function t()
#3025145 by thalles: Dependency injection on Form/SlickSettingsForm


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