I’m trying to use EFQ-views in combination with references for displaying content stored in MongoDB. The problem I’m currently facing is that the contextual filter (argument) doesn’t work.

Below is the code from references for the argument.

class references_handler_argument extends views_handler_argument_numeric {

   *  Use entity title for % placeholders in argument titles.
  function title_query() {
    // Use the same table and field than those used for summary lists
    // ('name table', 'name field').
    $table_data = views_fetch_data($this->name_table);
    $table_info = $table_data['table']['join'][$this->table];
    $table = $table_info['table'];
    $key_field = $table_info['field'];
    $title_field = $this->name_field;

    $results = db_select($table, 'base_table')
      ->fields('base_table', array($key_field, $title_field))
      ->condition("base_table.$key_field", $this->value)
      // Grab results as 'key => title' array.

    // Sanitize titles and put them back in the correct order in an unkeyed
    // array.
    $titles = array();
    foreach ($this->value as $key) {
      if (isset($results[$key])) {
        $titles[] = check_plain($results[$key]);

    return $titles;

How can I make this work for efq_views?
I’d really appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction, because I really need to get this to work.