I'm attempting to migrate my blog from Typepad to Drupal. I've exported the posts & comments from the Typepad blog into a text file. Does anyone have any suggestions for importing them into Drupal? I've searched, but haven't found anything helpful thus far.


TerranceDC’s picture

So, there's no one out there who can help me here?

adrian’s picture

it is very far from simple though, and will only import comments.

The future is so Bryght, I have to wear shades.

adrian’s picture

only import nodes

not comments.

The future is so Bryght, I have to wear shades.

sillygwailo’s picture

TypePad exports in Movable Type format, so by following the non-trivial Movable Type to Drupal instructions, you can evidently (I haven't tried it myself) move from TypePad to Drupal that way.

Richard Eriksson - Urban Vancouver - Bryght

(Username formerly my full name, Richard Eriksson.)

TerranceDC’s picture

That would work if I had a working installation of Movable type into which to insert the cgi file for mt2drupal. But what I have is a text file exported from Typepad. I looked the instructions for mt2drupal, and they don't quite fit my situation. I need to import the file that I already have into Drupal.

calebgilbert’s picture

I did it! What I did was:

...used the script and the instruction from this idea/script which came from the comments here (just substitute "Typepad" for every instance anyone mentions "Movable Type" and it works great - they're totally transferable). Make sure your Drupal "input formats" get set to a better form of "filtered html" or else all your pictures will not appear and your formatting will be for $%#. Also, if you are running comment moderation make sure that your imported comments (yes comments import too!) aren't being "collasped/hidden" because they are below the "good comment" threshold.

It's not easy, but it can be done. Some small tweaking may need to be added to some posts/nodes afterwards. Feel free to email me at caleb.gilbert at gmail.com for clarification.

Political Physics

simbot’s picture

I've just written a module for drupal which give you the ability to import from the typepad export file. It will bring in all the articles and save them as blogs, it will keep all the comments and attach the user info to them, and it will map the type pad users to local drupal users.

Also, it can read from files on the server, which is useful when you have large export files.

Look here http://ihpc.jcu.edu.au/~jc118215/index.php?n=Main.TypePadToDrupal

liza’s picture

that typepad and movabletye export? because this would save me a lot of trouble in importing from movebletype.

sillygwailo’s picture

Probably a bit late for you, Terrance, , but for those searching and finding this page, check out the Import TypePad module, which will import the format that Movable Type exports as well.

(Username formerly my full name, Richard Eriksson.)